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This is quote group # one

Brief Explanation

To those of you who have stayed with me and have reached this page, let me give you some explanation as to how these quotes came about. After having developed what I call the Transonic Consciousness, I wrote down the quotes in small portions, which for the most part can stand alone. I did write them down in groups of about seven or so.

Thus, although these quotes can stand alone, they may house a continuation of a thought.

The Transonic Consciousness is developed out of and therefore is an extension of the Christ Consciousness. It is the Christ Consciousness that delivers up all things unto the all in all of being, the I am, the Transonic Consciousness, which takes in everything that ever was, is, or will be.

If the terminology I use seems limited, know that it is not meant to express any limitation to that which has none. There's always been a problem with the terminology that is ever trying to express something that is beyond description without being beyond it. None have a monopoly on the terminology of expressing the inexpressible.

Let me give two biblical references that indicate the universality of the Christ Consciousness. Ephesians 1:10

That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth: in him.

You may also recall how that we are to see the Christ after the flesh, which in so doing, one puts a limitation on something that has none. To help make this clear, look at the second reference found in: 1 John 3:2

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

To see the christ as is, is to see everything represented there, which includes the so-called opposite of everything, the seeming no-thing. The Christ is not what the christ appears to be in that the christ delivers up all things, including itself unto the all in all of being.

Thus, the Christ is not found simply here or there, as it were. That is, the Christ, being this, that, and every other thing, is all these things for it is what it is not to. Life and death or being and nonbeing are two reconciled parts of the threefold Christ Consciousness.

I often use Transonic terminology, for it seems to me to be the most profound, yet simple way to express the inexpressible. It has universal appeal, yet it gets beyond universality itself, for individuality is a reconciled part of universality. Having said all that, let's get to the quotes.

I am a metaphysical counselor with the intent of revealing the Living Christ Consciousness, the Consciousness dwelling at the core of all being, transcending the dichotomy of righteousness. G.C.

I am the transonic manifestation of the Living Christ Consciousness of God I am in me. You are ever as I am, the living expression of individual universality.G.C.

We are one in and as the other, yet neither; thus are immanently transcendent one in the other. We are seemingly separate, but are ever transonically united as one together. G.C.

As a metaphysical counselor, I am as you are; you are as I am at the core of being, the Living Daystar. We are one in the other interchangeable, individuals within universality. G.C.

As a metaphysical counselor of the Living christ Consciousness, I am in communication with the I am of your being, for the I am of one is the I am of another; the many are of the one. G.C.

I am a metaphysical counselor of the Living Christ Consciousness, revealing the multidimensional Consciousness of the eternal NOW where the omnipresence of here and there are seen as two parts of the same thing. G.C.

As a metaphysical counselor, I am attracting those who are seeking the benefits of my service, of revealing the unified, threefold, Living christ Consciousness at the core of all being. G.C.

As a metaphysical counselor of the Living Christ Consciousness, I am receiving the help, assistance, cooperation of all others whether it be a conscious or an unconscious thing, in bringing the awareness of Living Christ Consciousness unto all. G.C.

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