<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.almadenvalleywings.com/music/eyeofthe.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Erin Hiller
   # 14
Age:                          17
  R  Throws: R
                  1st Base, Utility
                    Susquehanna Valley High School
GPA:                        92.4
School Sports:
         Varsity Softball: 98, 99, 00
                                 Varsity Basketball: 99,00
Activities:                 National Honor Society
                                Peer Leadership

                   Who's Who in High School Students
                                 Who's Who in High School Athletes
                                Attorney General Triple "C" Award for Leadership
Summer Softball:      1997 Yellowjackets 16 under
                                 1998 TC Tremors 16 under
                                          ASA Nationals
                                 1999 TC Tremors NSA Nationals 18 Under
Future Plans:            Play Division 1 softball at college while earning my                                  degree in Financial Management. With my degree                                    I will work on Wall Street and be the New York                                       Yankees personal financial consultant.
Favorite Quote:         "Always dream and shoot higher than you know                                       you can do. Don't bother just to be better than                                        your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be                                       better than yourself." - William Faulkner
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