AACE International
About AACE'99 Annual MeetingCalendarCertificationLinksJoin AACE!

President's Message

Welcome back to another season of high-grade technical meetings and workshops.  I am honored to have been  voted your president for the 1998-1999 year, and I will do my best to direct the enormous talent that this most successful AACE Section posesses. I would like to congratulate the Board of Directors on the voting of their positions and look forward to working with each of you in the coming year.

Calgary is a very busy place these days and it sometimes becomes overbearing for us Directors to volunteer our spare time outside of work and home. We are going to have a challenging time manging our typical busy section calendar this year and will require extra help from those of you that would like to volunteer but haven't yet. Participating in your professional association is the best way to share your expertise with other colleagues outside of the office. Serve your section and call a Director to join a committee that interests you.

I would like to recognize the achievements of last year's Board of Directors under the leadership of Les Smith. At the Cincinnati AGM our Chinook-Calgary Section was presented the Outstanding Section Award for the 7th consecutive year. Excellent work, and let's keep the momentum going as we look forward to hosting our own AGM 2000.

I encourage you to attend our technical dinner meetings and get to know your fellow cost professionals.  In an effort to keep our membership growing, any member attending a meeting with a prospective new member will receive two tickets for the price of one.

Skills and Knowledge workshops

In preparation for the Dec. 5th 1998 Certification Exam, we offer our annual series of S&K Workshops. Details and registration are attached. You don't have to be planning to write the exam to attend the workshops. They are one of the only ways those in our profession can receive basic cost engineering techniques from experienced professionals. Study material developed by AACE International will also be available at the workshops and should be a part of every Cost Engineer's library.

A note from the Vice President:

Welcome to this year's program. This is your association and your support is essential for our future together. The board works hard to arrange an annual program for you. But this is not enough. We need your support and input. Let us work together and find out what our membership is seeking from the board. In future newsletters we would undertake a survey seeking your input.

What can we do together? For members and non-members this is a challenge. Firstly, we should become local chapter paying members. This would help in providing you with quality technical papers by inviting expert speakers from far and beyond. We can offer you more technical seminars for improving our daily professional lives. There are numerous other events that could be arranged if the resources are we heading and how can we provide you with better services? What kind of technical papers our members would like the board to arrange? Thirdly, we should make our best effort in attending the monthly technical meetings. Our member's participation and support is required to provide you with quality programs. The board has set up a web site that chapter information is available for our members. The site is at:


Please use this tool to communicate your ideas and support.

As you know, your Chinook-Calgary Chapter will be hosting the AACE annual general meeting in the year 2000. If all indications core true, year 2000 meetings will set another standard to follow for many years to come. Calgary has always come ahead in hosting world class events; second to none.  And we are once again in forefront the host such an event. The board is in the process of finalizing the year 2000 organization committee. And this committee will be seeking few good men and women to volunteer their expertise. Let us all work together once again and show out true volunteer spirits to bring out the best in us.

Competitive Scholarships
Peter Ripley

During the summer, AACE awarded a further $4,250 in scholarships to Alberta students.  The recipients were:

Kelly Grnat University of Alberta
Runwanpura Yasantha University of Alberta
Ramona Corbiell University of Alberta
Creg Skulmoski University of Alberta

The students had to complete against applicants from across North America and we are pleased to report that once again Alberta students were among the winners.

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