Alan's Astronaut
Autograph Gallery

Apollo XV

The crew of Apollo XV - Dave Scott (CDR), Jim Irwin (LMP), & Al Worden (CMP) - landed in the Appenine Mountain region of the Moon in July of 1971. Scott & Irwin were the seventh and eighth men to respectively walk on the moon. While there, the two were the first to enjoy a powered tour using the Lunar Rover which allowed them traverse approximately 18 miles during their three E.V.A.'s. Worden held vigil in the Command Module and flawlessly performed the critical docking procedures which united the two craft for their safe return to Earth.

Due to the fact that Irwin is since deceased and Scott is reluctant to respond to autograph requests, an item signed by all three - such as the first day cover below - is quite a valuable & desired collectible.

Mission Patch cachet FDC signed by
Dave Scott, Al Worden & Jim Irwin

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