RM Ditributions
H-Block Three Lawyer Criticises Trimble
    8 March 1998
    James Brosnahan, lead lawyer for Kevin Barry Artt, one
    of the H-Block Three, was highly critical of the US
    Government last week for continuing to support the
    extradition of his client to an area where Catholics
    are killed for sport.
    Brosnahan also lashed out at Ulster Unionist Party
    chief David Trimble, saying he should keep his hands
    off the American legal system.
    The comments came as a Californian court agreed to hear
    on April 14th the extradition appeals of Artt, Terry
    Kirby and Pol Brennan. The three Belfast men, who have
    lived with their American wives and families on the
    West Coast for more than 13 years, had escaped in 1983,
    along with 35 other Irish political prisoners, from
    Long Kesh prison outside Belfast.
    In the United States, the H-Block Three are the subject
    of an intensifying letter-writing campaign supported by
    Irish Northern Aid and other republican support groups.
    The court has consolidated the three appeals and will
    allow 20 minutes for the lawyers to present their
    cases. A ruling on the motion is expected before April
    14th, but Brosnahan warns that a decision on the
    appeals could take days or months.
    The appeal date was set just as a court in the North of
    Ireland agreed to a retrial of Lee Clegg, a
    British-army private found guilty of the 1990 murder of
    a teen-aged girl in Belfast. The girl, Karen Reilly,
    was shot dead while a passenger in a joy-riding stolen
    car. Last week, a Belfast court quashed Clegg's
    conviction. He has been free since July 1995, having
    served two years of a 1993 life sentence in the murder.
    After his release, Clegg rejoined the British army --
    as a physical-fitness instructor.
    Brosnahan was highly critical of David Trimble, the MP
    for Upper Bann, who recently urged President Clinton at
    a White House meeting to push ahead with the
    extraditions. Brosnahan says that "Artt is a pawn in a
    (political) game that is way over our heads."
    "Mr. Trimble talked in the White House with Bill
    Clinton about this case. I don't know what Clinton
    promised him, but that conversation should never have
    taken place," says Brosnahan.
    "Trimble is not a head of state," Brosnahan continued.
    "He's just a politician, and if he received something
    there, that's wrong. Mr. Trimble should not be involved
    in our court system. He's got enough trouble taking
    care of things in northern Ireland. He shouldn't be
    telling us what our courts should do."
    The three Belfast men are being held in the Federal
    Detention Center in Pleasanton, California.  Kirby is
    in a separate wing from Brennan and Artt. All three
    surrendered to authorities last August 22nd, after a
    request to have extradition proceedings against them
    dropped was denied.
    Brosnahan also lashed out at the British government,
    saying, "The British are pretending to be interested in
    a meaningful peace. They don't have any policy but to
    continue to run things as they have."
    Artt's lawyer said he was deeply concerned
    that there won't be any peace, and that it was not
    reasonable to send the three back under such
    "It is obvious, having viewed the random killing of
    Catholics in Belfast recently, that this is
    unreconstructed violence, dangerous government- and
    police-supported murder in a country they seek to
    return my client to, where they have tried to kill my
    client at least two times that we know of."
    Brosnahan also lashed out at the US Government for
    allowing the extradition proceedings to go on.
    "It's unconscionable for the powerful people in this
    country to put a man on a plane to send him back to a
    place where they kill Catholics on a Saturday night for
    Brosnahan criticised the US Government, saying, "They
    don't listen, they don't care, they are callous."
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