Sue's Starsky and Rosey Fanfiction

In these pages you will find all my fan fiction about Starsky and Rosey. I hope you enjoy these stories and you will email me with comments and suggestions regarding these stories.

You may ask - Why Rosey Malone? Why are all my series devoted to one episode out of 92 S&H episodes?

Well, I suffer from Obesssive-Compulsive Disorder and I guess I am addicted to that episode. I find it good therapy.

I write for the enjoyment of it. And also my editor, Donna Engle,is a Starsky fan.

Most of my stories are devoted to David Michael Starsky played by Paul Michael Glaser -


Rosey Malone played by Tracy Brooks Swope -

However, we cannot talk about Starsky without Hutch, Kenneth Richard Hutchinson, played by David Soul -

Go to the Rosey stories.

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