Phish: Transcending the Metaphysical

For almost 15 years, a new revolution in music has been coming from a group of four men who formed band while still undergraduate students at the Univeristy of Vermont. In the spirit of bands such as the Grateful Dead and the Allman Brothers Band, Phish bases many of its songs on long, extended jams that truly allow the listeners to participate in the music. While the band has cut numerous studio albums, the best way to experience their music is at one of their shows. As anyone who has "gone phishin' " before can tell you, attending a show is one of the most incredible experiences of one's life. There is an amazing feeling of community among the thousands and thousands of "phans" attending the show and paying tribute to their favorite band. Although it is almost impossible to attend all the shows, Phish does allowing taping at almost every concert they play, so an extremely large community exists that tapes and trades recordings from shows. Since coming to college, I've started trading tapes and am always looking for more trades, since, as my roommate will tell you, I can't get enough of this band....So, if you're interested in setting up a trade or whatever, please email me.

Well, if you're interested in learning more about this most amazing band, or feel like checking out my tape list, click on any of the following links....


Catch the groove with a Phish CD from CDnow...

The Gamehendge Saga Read Trey's Senior Thesis, AKA the Gamehendge Saga The Official Phish Websight The Phish Websight by and for Phish Fans

ZZYZX's Phish Stats Just about any stat you would want or need

The Helping Phriendly Book THE source for past setlists from shows

SugarMegs Audio At Terrabyte Station Great LiveAudio Feeds

Just another quick little plug for my most favorite ice cream. From the state that brought you Phish comes the most incredible ice cream company, Ben & Jerry's. Although famous for their rather interesting take on ice cream, Ben & Jerry have teamed up with the band to make an absolutely amazing flavor: Phish Food! I've personally lived on the stuff for over a week and had no side effects, since it's all natural and stuff. Vermont's Phinest ice cream has a chocolate base, with marshmellow fluff, caramel and fudge fish added into the whole blend, which pretty much means a taste bud overload, so make sure you don't eat and drive...although you might want to have a bowl ready the next time you get the munchies. Oh well, that's enough of the overly gracious butt-kissing. Oh, by the way, proceeds from the sales of Phish Food are being given to a fund to help clean up Lake Camplaine, so it's for a good cause. 1

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