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Name: Andre Rousimoff

Height: 7'5"

Weight: 525 lbs.

Origin: Grunoble, France

Birth: May 19th, 1946

Death: January 29th, 1993

Finishing Moves:

Didn't need any!! :)

Favourite Quote:

None that I know of

Career Facts:

No one in the history of wrestling has been loved more than Andre the Giant. Andre possessed enormous strength and incredible quickness for his size. People loved him because of his gentle nature. Andre Rene Roussinoff was really a GIANT. He suffered from a growth hormone abnormality which resulted in his enormous size and weight. Rousimoff stood 7' 5" and weighed almost 525 lbs!!! Andre began wrestling in 1964 in France under the name "The butcher". He then decided to move to North America and start wrestling there.

He started under many different names.

In 1973 Andre started to wrestle in the WWF where he became a fan favorite because of his size. To everyone he was only known as "Andre the Giant". His quickness and strength were so impressive that the Washington Redskins considered signing him up for a tryout.

Throughout his career in the WWF, Andre wrestled to win a number of Battle Royals and teaming with several different partners to win various Tag Team championships, but he never got a shot at the WWF title.

Then finally in 1987, Andre got a shot at the WWF title against the one and only Hulk Hogan. In front of more than 90,000 fans at Wrestlemania III, turning vilian, he was still a fan favorite.Unfortunatly he lost the match but in 1989 he got a second chance to win the title and he was victorious.

In 1993 at the young age of 46, Andre Rene Rousimoff died in his sleep. The growth hormone was at fault. Andre's body kept growing throughout his life and this creats a short life expectancy. Andre the Giant was an amazing human being.

It's a shame that people like him die at such a youch age.

I miss Andre the Giant Growing up watching wrestling in the 80's, he was my favorite wrestler, always towering over everyone. It always put a smile to my face.

Did you know that Andre once drank 108 Beers, and after the beers he went out to a dinner party and polished off a bottle of wine!!! And he managed to get home on his own two feet!! Although I'm wondering, who would be able to life him if he passed out? How can you not admire a man who can do that.

If you've never seen Andre the Giant on T.V, then you can rent a movie he's stared in, and it's a good movie too. The movies called "Princess Bride". He plays a Giant in it!! :) It's a great movie.

Or even better you can always get Wrestlemania 3, where he fights Hulk Hogan. Wrestling History. You gotta love it.

Larger than Life:  Andre the Giant
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