LOCATION: Arena's across North America

DATE: April 23, 2000

TIME: 7:00 PM E.S.T.


Head Cheese Vs. The Hardy's

Hardy's WON
Pretty good match Hardy's won when Jeff hit the Swanton Bomb on Blackman to a huge pop. After the match Snow apologized to Blackman, and brought out Harvy Whippleman (aka Harvy Cottontail. he was dressed as a bunny.) Blackman spazed and beat the hell out of Snow so I guess you could say that Head Cheese is over.


Hardcore Holly then came out and cut a promo on Saturn. Which resulted in a match.

Hardcore Holly Vs. Perry Saturn

Nobody WON
So Hardcore and Saturn had their match.... Not all that great. Both men hit the Ref, and the decision was a double DQ. After the match Hardcore Holly hit Saturn with a stop sign.

Scotty 2 Hotty Vs. Dean Malenko Vs. Taka

Scotty 2 Hotty WON
Pretty decent match. Had good parts and bad parts. Scottie bulldoged Taka off the top rope and then got the 1,2,3. Malenko then put Scottie in a Texas Cloverleaf and would not let go until security broke it up.


Chris Benoit cut a promo on Jericho insulting him on his WCW days and about his short title region as WWF Champ. Enter Jericho. Jericho challenged him for a title match. The match really never took place just a big brawl that resulted in Jericho putting the walls of Jericho on Benoit back stage.

Faarooq vs. Bull Buchanan

Nobody WON
The Final Match was Faarooq vs. Bull Buchanan Faarooq hit a spinebuster for the 1,2,3. Resulting in The Boss Man running out and attacking Faarooq. Bradshaw the came out and attacked The Boss Man. Kane also came out and chokeslamed the hell out of Boss Man

Thanks for the update George. This is George's first Heat Update, if you would like to e-mail him and tell him what you thought of his update, find him at [email protected]. Till next weeks update enjoy the results.


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