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March 31, 2000 Vince McMahon's new "idea" for entertainment, and to boost Val Venus's and Trish Stratus's carreer was to have them participate in a "Porno" skit in the near future. Thankfully Trish Stratus denied the offer, now I know she's not a slut, and now McMahon's decided to hire someone else for the job. Gorgeous George. She will replace Trish Stratus for the role in the porno skit. I think that's kinda low, but hey, whatever get's rating's right! GGeorge.jpg

March 30, 2000 Well I would of never guessed. On Thursday night Smackdown, Stephanie, in her sporty outfit, became the womens WWF Champion. Vicen McMahon decided she should have a match against Jacqueline. Obviously she doesn't know how to wrestle but with the help of DX, and Tori's DDT to Jacqueline, Stephanie is now the WWF Womens Champion. Kinda crappy if you ask me.

March 27, 2000 The question on everyone's mind is; "Will The Rock win Wrestlemania 2000?" The answer is, No. The Rock's got a new movie to attend to in the coming months, "Mummy 2", which takes place in United Kingdom. Therefore he cannot win the title. On the other hand there is a return of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and we'll be seeing Undertaker appear soon. These are just rumours but count on them being true.

March 23, 2000 Shawn Michaels might be coming back to the WWF. In recent news he was reported saying that there's a chance he'll wrestle again. So cross your fingures folks cause you never know when he'll show up, and wrestling's biggest day is coming up real soon. Maybe we'll see him in action this Wrestlemania.

March 22, 2000 Trish Stratus made her first annoucing at Monday night RAW, for those people that saw it, it was her first time. For those who haven't seen it, well let's just say she was a wee bit shaky, but still looked amazing!.

March 20, 2000 There wont be a triple threat match anymore at Wrestlemania, there will be a 4 person match, with The Rock w/ Vince McMahon, Big Show w/Shane McMahon, Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon, and MIC FOLEY!!! Yes you heard it, Mic Foley's coming back to challenge Triple H for the World Wrestling Federation Title.

March 19, 2000 Sunday Night Heat (March 19th), the world was introduced to TRISH STRATUS. She's a Fitness star, soon to be WWF superstar. I, Wrestleman, will be one of the first WWF webmasters to already have a TRISH STRATUS Picture Gallery. Enjoy

March 19, 2000 This Thursday night on Smackdown, Trish Stratus and Tori will be appearing in Bikini's so dont miss it for all the Trish Stratus fans out there.

March 18, 2000 THE ROCK was on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE!!! That was the funniest Saturday night live I've seen in a long time. The skit when The Rock was a cave man was the best. He was eating an apple and spitting it everywhere. At the end of the skit he grabbed his caveman son and walked right through a wall. I hope all The Rock fans out there got a chance to see it, cause it was DAMN good. SNL ROCK PICTURE 1 I SNL ROCK PICTURE 2

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