LOCATION: North Carolina

DATE: April 24th

TIME: 9:00 P.M. EST.

The Rock
Know Your Role VHS

Kurt Angle comes out and insults Big Show on having a big ass. And speaking of big asses he makes a "crack" at Rikishi!

Details on the match below

Kurt Angle Vs. Rikishi

Nobody WON
Big Show comes into the match after Rikishi runs into the ref. Big Show and Rikishi confront but Big Show gives Rikishi a pair of his dancing glasses. He then starts to dance!

Scene in the Ring

Triple H & Stephanie (Nice nipples!) & Shane come out into the ring. Shane apologizes for hitting Triple H last Monday. He hugs him after telling him he loves him!! Stephanie tries to get sympathy from the croud by telling them she's sensitive and caring and apologizing for what she did in the past. Jericho comes out after Triple H explains that what he did last week was wrong. Jericho tell Triple H to shit the hell up. He calls him "trip" :) Jericho wants a re-match for the championship, and he wants it tonight. Jericho insults Stephanie REALLY BAD!! hahaha he calls her a ho and other shit!! Shane flips out, he announces a match, Shane & Triple H Vs. Jericho and The Rock. Jericho grabs the belt and hits Triple H over the head with it!

Road Dogg Vs. Chris Benoit

Chris Benoit WON
Chris benoit came out right after assaulting Jericho during the commercial break. Edge & Christian come out to sit at the announcer table. You know there gonna get involved. They actually tell J.R. that they're gonna do a "run-in" (Interrupt) Torri shows up to watch the match. YA WATCH!! That's all! Ya right run-in for sure. Edge abd Christian try to do the run-in but Torri hold Egde. But Christian comes out and levels Road Dogg. Then they beat up Road Dogg even more. Torri gets involved but get's hurt!! BADD!!

Hardy Boys Vs. Crash Holly & Hardcore Holly

The Holly's WON
They won after a weird pin, it wasn't fair. The Hardy's come from behind and throw them back in the ring. They beat them up. This is a hardcore title match! Perry Saturn comes into the picture. Tazz runs in to be the hardcore champion.
MATT HARDY is the new Hardcore Champion!!!!!

Big Show (Had to duck when entering the arena!) Vs.
Bossman & Bull Buchanen

Nobody WON
Kurt Angle comes into the match and gives Big Show a low blow. Then the acolytes jump into the match and chase everyone away.

Vince enters to speak

He talks about what happened last week. The announcement about Steve Austin. Then he recalls what happened between the McMahon family. He says' he's the only level headed McMahon in the family. Vince isn't convinced that Triple H wasn't going to Pedigree Linda. He announces that Triple H has to fight BOTH The Rock and Jericho. He then explains to the The Rock what happened last year with the limo incident. How The Rock stole Austin's path to stardum when Austin was recovering. It's a warning to him to watch his back at Blacklash.

Al Snow & Godfather Vs. D'Lo Brown & Steve Blackman

D'Lo Brown & Steve Blackman WON
D'Lo Brown pinned Al Snow. Godfather knocks out Al Snow, he's pissed.

Latino Heat (Eddie & Chyna) Vs. Val Venis

Val Venis WON
Eddie starts it off by giving him a cheap shot! Chyna get involved and beats on Val. then Essa Rios and Lita (My fav gal) do a run-in and Lita jumps off the top ropes onto Chyna. Then they both beat on Eddie after Val gets the pin.

Dudley Boys Vs. Edge & Christian

Edge & Christian WON
T & A show up with Trish on a table. Trish is soo hot!! Dudley get mesmorized after Trish takes off almost all her clothes off and Edge and Christian take the win. WOW TRISH!!! Skanky? :)


Jericho & The Rock Vs. Triple H & Chris Benoit (Just announced)
Special Ref: Shane
Special Guest: Vince McMahon

Triple H & Chris Benoit WON
Jericho starts off by giving Benoit a mean elbow to the face. Then they have a slapping match. Triple H and The Rock whale on each other really bad. Vince is smiling while The Rock is getting beat on. Jericho and Benoit go at it again. The match continues with The Rock dominating. The Rock gives Triple H the rock bottom but Shane is distraceted by Stephanie. Then The Rock tries to grab Vince after he came into the ring but he runs away. Vince then hits the Rock and Triple H grabs The Rock and gives him the Pedigree. Triple H pins him.

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