DATE: March 20th

TIME: 7:00 P.M. EST.


Degeneration X (Road Dogg & X - Pac) Vs. Hardy Boys

Hardy Boys WON
Kane appears with Paul Bearer and he chases Tori around the ring, this distracts the Degeneration X and the Hardy Boys win. Then Kane choke slams Tori, because she broke his heart.

Stephanie w/ Triple H appear and so does Shane and Big Show. Shane challenges Triple H to a fight against Big Show tonight. Triple H refuses but then Vince shows up, and demands that there's going to be a fight tonight that will make Triple H defend his title. Vince gives triple H the option to have the TRIPLE THREAT MATCH TONIGHT!! after insulting and taunting him over and over, triple H finally agrees under one condition, that there is not going to be a rematch at Wrestlemania. So it's going to be The Rock, Triple H, and Big Show. With Vince in The Rock's corner, Shane in Big Show's and Stephanie in Triple H's. I'm guessing this is the "Big One" vince was talking about earlier. The question is, what's going to be the main event at Wrestlemania?

Godfather Vs. Big Bossman w/Paul Benchanon (Sp?)

No one WON
They just beat the hell out of the Godfather before the match even started.

Degeneration X (Road Dogg and X-Pax) complain to Triple H about Kane showing up in every match, so they set a match up for Kane, Kane Vs. Kakishi

Too Cool Vs. Perry Saturn w/ Dean Malenko (Radicals)

Too Cool WON
Eddie Guerero stopped Scotty Too Hotty from doing the Worm. But Too Cool still won.

Rakishi Vs. Kane w/Paul Bearer

No one WON
Kane choke slams Rikishi. But then DX came into the ring and started beating up Kane. Out of nowhere Rikishi starts kicking some DX ass. The DX double teamed Rikishi and then Kane gets up and X-pac and Road Dogg run away.

Chris Benoit Vs. Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho WON
Kurt Angle was also included in this match as an announcer. Chris Benoit touches one of Kurt Angles belts and Kurt get's upset so Benoit knocks Kurt out. The Kurt takes a belt and slams it over Benoit's head. Jericho then pics Benoit. After he won Bob Bachlun appease and Jericho starts beating him up only to get hit in the head by Kurt with his other belt.

Crash Holly and Harcore Holly Vs. Steve Blackman (Lethal Weapon) and Al Snow

Steve Blackman (Lethal Weapon) and Al Snow WON
Tazz appeared for the 24/7 Hardcore Championship against Crash Holly. He chases Crash off leaving Hardcore Holly alone.

Edge and Christian Vs. Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw)

Edge and Christian WON
after the help of Mideon who hits Farooq with a mop handle by accident. After the match the Acolytes kick Mideon's ass. Christian got a mean kick in the face from Farooq.

Val Venus Vs. Test w/Trish Stratus

Test WON
Nice cleavage!!! Trish Distracted Val Venus. Prince Albert appeared and Test and Albert Double Teamed Val Venus. Trish took the mic and asked the people if they want to see T & A. I wanted to see T & A, but unfortunatly she meant Test and Albert. Maybe we'll see some Thursday night, when we see Trish in a bikini!! Stay Tuned.

Edge & Christian Vs. Hardy Boys Vs. Steve Blackman (Lethal Weapon) & Al Snow Vs. Too Cool

No one WON
To Face Dudley Boys in Wrestlemania
Too Cool got thrown out first after Scotty Too Hotty did that worm thing, then Al Snow and Steve Blackman were thrown out. The nerdy Dudley Boys jumped in the ring and started to beat on everyone left. They grabbed a table from under the ring, layed Christian on it, and took Jeff Hardy and slamned him on top of Christian from the top ropes and broke the table. ouch. Now who's gonna face the Dudley's? They weren't clever enough to think of that before they cleared the ring!!

Triple Threat Match

Triple H WON
World Wrestling Chapionship Title
As usualy The Rock starts to get double teamed by Big Show and Triple H. Through-out the match The Rock keeps making a small come back but then starts losing again. After Big Show get's annoyed with Triple H because he wants to win the belt, so they start fighting. The Big Show choke slams Triple H. Shane hits The Rock with a chair, Vince comes up behind him and knocks him out and was about to hit Shane with the chair but Triple H grabs it and hits Big Show over the head knocking him out, and then pinning him. So Triple H in the end wins and keeps his title. After the match, Vince McMahon's wife appears and explains to Triple H that there will not be a rematch between The Rock, Big Show, and himself, but that there will be a 4 way match at Wrestlemania 2000. Big Show, The Rock, Triple H, and .... MIC FOLEY!! Yes you heard it here, MIC FOLEY!! is coming back to challenge them for the Championship!!.

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