LOCATION: Ft. Lauderdale Florida

DATE: April 10th

TIME: 9:00 P.M. EST.

The Rock
Know Your Role VHS

The Rock enters the arena and plays footage from last weeks Smackdown. The Rock wants his WWF title shot tonight.
Vince comes out with a chair for protection. The Rock insists Vince he puts the chair down. So Vince does with fear in his voice. Vince accepts The Rock's demands for the title match, BUT vince is going to annouce who he's gonna fight AND he's gonna fight that person in a 15 foot steel cage. Vince gives The Rock a huge speach on who created The Rock, and at the end of the speech Vince tells him that all he wants is a thanks. But you and I know he's up to something. Because he never said thank you, that is why he stabbed him in the back at Wrestlemania. "Utter complete ingrate", that's what Vince think The Rock is and The Rock wipes the monkey's ass with what Vince thinks! HAHAHA Vince tell The Rock he's got a fixation with the rectal cavity!! and he's infatuated with what comes out of the restal cavity, shit!! hahaha. Triple H comes into the picture with (obviously) Stephanie, and Shane. Vince tries to hit The Rock in the back but The Rock prevails and hits him in the back!!

Details on the match below


DX X-Poc, Road Dogg w/Tori Vs. Edge & Christian

DX X-Poc & Road Dogg WON
They won after hiting Edge & Christian with the tag team belts, BUT the referee ordered the match to continue because he saw it what DX did. NOW Edge & Christian WIN
So they retain their title.

Godfather w/Ho's Vs. Kurt Angle
Kurt comes out mocking the Godfather with his lifestyle. He then offers him a condom and reads him a poem about how he should keep it in his pants, or something like that. Already forgot it!

Kurt Angle WON
Kurt get's slapped by one of Godfather's ladies. Angle gives the Godfather his Olympic Slam and it's all over.

Rikishi w/Scotty Too Hotty Vs. Tazz w/The Radicals (Dean Malenko) Nice Match!

Radicals w/Tazz WON
Rikishi cleans house!! He's taking everyone out and gives Dean Melenko a taste of his ass!! Scotty Too Hotty gives Dean Malenko "The Worm". Benoit trips Rikishi and Rikishi leaves the ring to chase Perry Saturn. Then Dean Malenko pins Scotty Too Hotty.


WWF Champion Triple H w/Stephanie Vs. Acolytes w/Taka Mitchi Noku

Triple H WON
Acolytes chase Shane McMahon away form the ring. Triple H wasn't prepared for this! Earl Hephner (referee) shoved Shane!! Strange match!! Earl Hephner is hitting Triple H!! He's getting involved now, is this Vince's new idea? Getting the ref involved in the match? Hmm He keeps interfearing with Triple H. The Acolytes start beating on Triple H after he gets shoved into The Acolytes. There was count that was soooo close to being three. Then Vince and Shane show up but the Acolytes hold them back. Bull Buchanen and Big Bossman come in and take care of APA. Triple H gives Taka the Pedigree and finishes the match off. Good match!

T & A w/Trish Stratus Vs. Hardy Boyz

Hardy Boyz WON
Test and Prince Albert are kicking some ass!! But Hardyz come back big time and take the win! Dudley's come in and give Test the 3D. They're getting out a table (what else is new). YES Albert choke slams one of the Dudley's (Bubba) into their own table. Sweet!

Val Venis Vs. Big Show

Val Venis WON
HAHAHAHA Big Show's wearing a towel aroudn his waste and a long haired wig!! I like his new image! He's wearing tights that resember Val Venis's tights. It's got a HUGE V on it too!! This is wicked!! Big Show is choking Val Venis and Big Show gets disqualified.


Eddie Guerrero w/Chyna alias: Mama Sita! or (Latino Heat) Vs. Chris Jericho

Eddie Guerrero WON
Jericho is really insulting Chyna!! Really bad!! It's funny. You had to see it. Jericho gives Eddie "The Walls of Jericho" but Chyna interfears. Chyna tosses Eddie the belt and they start fighting over the belt but they knock out the ref. Chyna gets involved (Saw it coming) and once again she saves Eddie Guerrero's ass.


The Rock Vs. Triple H? no Bull Buchanen & Big Bossman

The Rock WON
Triple H, with Vince etc.. (the rest of them) The Rock has to fight Bull Buchanen & Big Bossman. You know, I honestly thought someone like Undertaker or anyone exciting was going to show up. Ahh this is kinda crappy to tell you the truth. Oh wel here are the DETAILS.
Well they're exchanging beatings and every time they pin The Rock he kicks out. He has to win this match in order to get chance for the title shot against Triple H. He's gotta pin on of them to fight The Game. Buchanen knocks out Bossman by accident so The Rock takes advantage of it! but then the Bossman slams him down. The Rock gives Buchanen the Rock Bottom and PINS HIM. HE GETS HIS TITLE MATCH!!!. Everyone charges into the ring and beat on him!! Triple H puts on a pair of brass knuckles and knocks out The Rock really bad. He then gives him the Pedegree. Ouch. The Rock's bleeding all over the place because of Triple H's brass knuckles. Man why do they beep out the bad words!! Stupid network. ACOLYTES ARE BACK!! They chase out everyone from the steel cage and save The Rock.

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