LOCATION: Philadelphia

DATE: April 18, 2000

TIME: 9:00 P.M. EST.

The Rock
Know Your Role

Well here ar Cahir's Smackdown results. Stay bookmarked cause Cahir will have his own section on this website, so if you like his work now, there's more to come!!

If you would like to help me out by being another reporter, please e-mail Wrestleman, and we'll discuss it some more. Thank you.


Road Dogg Vs. Edge

Road Dogg WON
Shit match Im afraid not much more I can I say about it, sorry!!!!!!!


HHH and Stephanie come out and talk the usual crap. Tonight they bring up the bollocks of divide and conquer. The main event tonight will be The Rock verus Y2J (Damn my two favourite wrestlers, who the hell do I support). Tazz then appears wearing a ECW belt (what the hell is this about) and HHH declares he will put his title on the line against Tazz tonight!

Dudley Boyz Vs. Essa Rios w/ Eddie Guerrero

Dudley Boyz WON
Dudleys got the 3D but Lita did that class move off the top rope. However Lita hit Eddie by mistake and cost them match. Her and Chyna were about to get in a fight before the Dudleys grabbed Lita and power bombed her through a table.


Triple H Vs. Tazz

Triple H WON
Entertaining match and a interesting twist. Tommy Dreamer of ECW comes out to aid Tazz supposely but nails him with a chair, accident??????? HHH gets the pedigree and the pin to retain his title, what a surprise!!!!!

Rikishi Vs. Big Show

Nobody WON
Not exactly sure who wins this one, will have to watch it to find out. All I know is that Big Show and Rikishi dance but halfway through Show hits Rikishi, later they dance again but Rikishi hits the Big Show.

T & A Vs. Godfather & D'Lo Brown

Albert got the Lowdown on the Godfather and the pin to secure victory for T&A. However D'Lo was well pissed off and after the match hit The Godfather. Its seems the WWF has decided to end this partnership

X-Pac Vs. Christian

I should point out this little faggot only won because Road Dogg came out and helped the asslicker. Nevertheless Edge came out as well and although X-Pac got the X-Factor and the pin, Edge and Christian cleared these two peices of trash out of the ring.

Chris Benoit Vs. Kurt Angle

Chris Benoit WON
Good match but for some reason The Big Show came out and pulled the ropes beneath The Crippler before he did his headbutt thing on Angle. Benoit retained his belt but was pretty pissed off that he didn't win by kicking ass.


Chris Jericho Vs. The Rock

I forgot to mention this was a Lumberjack match and throughout the programme HHH was seen asking Superstars to be lumberjacks. Not surprising the Lumberjacks interfered on several occasions in an excellent macth. The Rock gave Rock Bottom to Y2J and just as he was about to finish with Peoples Elbow on him, HHH jumped into the ring and hit the Rock. HHH then pulled Jericho on top of the Rock to get the pin and the victory

Thats it, sorry there was no report last week but I had a lot of work on. I have to say there has been a lack of response in regard to my reports, less than one as a matter of fact. So get your fingers out of your asses and email me at [email protected] and let me know your opinions and thoughts. I will put them on my recap on Sunday so you can tell all your friends you have a peice of work on the net. Until next time, Goodbye

If you would like to e-mail Cahir with any questions, comments,
or anything, e-mail him at [email protected]
Thank Cahir, excellent report - Wrestleman


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