Riot Vibe's Page of 1,000 Holds

Part 1 - Regular Moves


Takedown, Double Leg Tackle
Used by : Sabu, Bill Goldberg
aka : The Spear (Goldberg)
Description : A standard amature wrestling takedown. Attacker dives at a standing victim and grabs both their legs, causing the victim to fall backwards to the mat.
Takedown, Double Wrist
Used by :
aka :
Desciption : Attacker faces the victim and grabs both their wrists. The attacker places his head under one of the vicitm's arms and back drops the victim over.
Takedown, Fireman's Carry
Used by :
aka :
Description : The attacker drops to one knee and reaches between the victim's legs, dropping the victim across their shoulders in a fireman's carry, the attacker then starts to stand up and dumps the victim over on their back.
Takedown, Forward Rolling Leg Scissor
Used by : Norman Smiley, Shoichi Funaki
aka :
Description : The attacker stands in from of the victim with their back to them. The attacker bends down and grabs the victim's leg. The attacker rolls foward and applies a scissor lock to the victim's leg.The victim falls foward and onto their stomach. This hold often sets up a reverse crucifix kneebar or a reverse ankle hold.
Takedown, Front Neck Chancre
Used by :
aka :
Description : Attacker applies front face lock on the victim. The attacker then lifts the vicitm by their head and neck and falls back, snapping the vicitm over onto their back.
Takedown, Go-behind
Used by :
aka :
Description :
Takedown, Hair Pull
Used by :
aka :
Description : The attacker grabs the victim by their hair and leverages them down to the mat.
Takedown, Judo
Used by : Taz
aka: Oo-soto-gari
Description : Attacker is face to face with the victim. Attacker is locked up with the victim, pushes them down and trips them with their leg.
Takedown, Side Arm
Used by : Chris Benoit, Yoshiaki Fujiwara
aka :
Description : The victim is standing, the attacker grabs the victim's armand puts their body between the victim's arm and body. The attacker holds the arm and leans forward, putting their weight on the victim's shoulder forcing them face down to the mat. Can be used to set up a Wakigatame Armbar.
Takedown, Side Headlock
Used by :
aka :
Description : The attacker has the victim in a side headlock. The attacker turns with their upperbody and pulls the victim over their hip,causing the victim to fall to the mat and land on their back or side with the attacker still applying the side headlock.
Takedown, Side Rolling Leg Scissor
Used by : Ken Shamrock, Norman Smiley
aka :
Description : The attacker stands at the side of the victim. The attacker hooks their legs around on of the vicitm's legs and grabs the victim's head. The attacker rolls foward, forcing the victim to roll over as well. This usually leads to a crucifix kneebar.
Takedown, Single Leg
Used by :
aka :
Description : The attacker grabs one of the victim's legs and pushes forward on them forcing them to fall backwards to the mat.
Takedown, Tights Pull
Used by :
aka :
Description : The attacker grabs the victim's tights and uses them to leverage the victim down to the mat.
Throat Strike
Used by : The Undertaker, Hakushi
aka :
Description : The Attacker strikes the victim in the throat with their fingers. Sometimes used in a side headlock where the attacker strikes with his thumb.
Turnbuckle SmashUsed by :aka :Description : The attacker rams the victim's head into the turnbuckle.Sometimes done ten times so the local yokles can prove they can count that high.
Turnbuckle Smash, Belly to Belly Drop
Used by : Shane Douglas
aka :
Description : The attacker stands face to face with the victim. The attacker waistlocks the victim, hooks the victim's legs and lifts them off the mat. The attacker falls backwards and rops the victim face first on the turnbuckles. The move is similar to the Stun Gun/Hot Shot.
Turnbuckle Smash, Body Slam
Used by : Kevin Nash (Vinnie Vegas)
aka : Snake Eyes (Vegas)
Description : Attacker lifts the victim up for a body slam, but drops them face first across the top turnbuckle.
Turnbuckle Smash, Charging Upside down from Canadian Back Breaker
Used by : Rick Steiner
aka :
Description : Attacker applies an Inverted Shoulder Back Breaker. From there, the attacker runs towards a corner, on the way, lowering the victim slightly until they impact the corner. The victim uses impacts the buckles with their face and chest.
Turnbuckle Smash, Overhead Face First Powerbomb
Used by : Jose Estrada Jr., Jun Akiyama
aka :
Descrpiton : Attacker sets the victim up for a standard powerbomb,however the victim is lifted at a high angle, from there the attackerfalls backwards so the victim lands face first on the top turnbuckle.Sometimes used as a counter to a Hurricarana.
Turnbuckle Smash, Powerbomb
Used by : Kenta Kobashi
aka :
Description : The attacker bends a victim over or applies a standing headscissors and grabs the victim around the waist. The attacker lifts the victim up so they are over the attacker's shoulder or with their legs on each of the attacker's shoulders. The attacker then drops the victim downon the top turnbuckle on the back of their head.
Turnbuckle Smash, Slingshot Catapult
Used by :
aka :
Description : Victim is on their back, attacker grabs the victim by their legs and hooks both feet with their arms. The attacker falls backwards, pulling the victim off the mat and shooting them over the attacker's body so the victim crashes into the buckles or post.
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