Wrestler Name: Wayne "The Train" Rothschild

Real Name: Wayne Rothschild

Birthdate: 9-6-72

Manager: Jake O'Banyon

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 280 lbs

Hometown: Elizabeth, NJ

Overall Appearance: Wayne is a good looking and incredibley well built man.  He is not a pretty boy by any standards but he has a rugged look to him that most women find attractive.  He has brown hair that is short and neat as well as a well groomed goatee.  His eyes are one of his most striking features.  They are a light green color that really contrasts with his dark hair and complexion.  Wayne typically dresses in expensive Italian suits while doing business as the EWA President otherwise he is very comfortable in a pair of jeans and a collared shirt.

Entrance Music: "Bulls on Parade" by the Rage Against the Machine

Titles Held: EWA North American title, ECEW World Heavyweight title, ECEW US title

Greatest Match: Defeated Lonewolf to become the EWA North American champion

Toughest Opponent: Tommy Grayson

Favorite Wrestler: Johnny Sledge/Dean McGrath

Most Hated Opponent: Road Riot/Jerry Michaels

Ending Maneuver: The Train Wreck (Modified Shoulderbreaker executed from the middle turnbuckle)

Moves he likes using: Chokeslam, press slam, running lariet, all variety of suplexes, drop toe hold, abdominal stretch, ankle lock, figure four, texas cloverleaf, powerbomb and varous other wear down and submission moves

Type of wrestler: Power/Technical/Submission

Special Quote: "There's a train wreck coming"

Other Information: Wayne was born Wayne Robert Rothschild to a wealthy family in the Boston area.  His father Robert, who was a big time lawyer wanted Wayne to follow in his foot steps and become a lawyer just like his older brother's had.  Given Wayne's impressive physucal gifts he obviously excelled in sports especially football and wrestling.  Wayne became a high school All-American in football and was heavily recruited by several top division 1A school however Wayne bowed to his father's will and attended Harvard.

Wayne's dream was to play professional football and he was a stand out on the otherwise lackluster Harvard football team.  His father would hear nothing of his dreams and eventually a rift fomed between them.  After nearly completing his undergraduate degree, Wayne left school to persue a life on his own.  Cut off from his family, he wandered around from job to job.  We eventually wound up in New Jersey where he worked for a local arena setting up events and working as security.

Wayne's fate changed when a local wrestling promotion had a show at the arena.  As luck would turn out, the promotor was one wrestler short and when he saw Wayne he immediately approached him to wrestle as a fill in.  The promotor simply wanted to Wayne to take some "bumps" from one of their long timers.  To everyone's surprise, Wayne dominated the veteran and instantly became a fan favorite.  Wayne now known as "The Train"  competed for some time until the local promotion closed due to bankrupcy.  Wayne floated around on the independent cuircuit until finally getting his first break in the "big time" in the ASW.  Unfortunately for Wayne is was not long before this federation closed down as well.

Wayne was once again without a home.  He was going to call it quits when he was approached by a scout from the newly formed Extreme Wrestling Association.  Wayne got his break  but his career was slow to take off.  Wayne became bogged down in useless feuds and his inability to "get over" with the fans eventually led to an attitude change and one of the more memorable moments in the EWA.  Wayne, who was always the All-American good guy shocked everyone by joining up with one of the most hated and dispicable factions in wrestling, Devastation, Inc.

From that point on Wayne's career took off.  His nice guy image was shed and in it's place became one of the most ruthless and blood thirsty wrestlers around.  One of the major highlights of his wrestling career was when Wayne won his first major title, the North American title.  Wayne would soon be stripped of the belt when the fed went through a reorganization but it didn't matter because Wayne was now a major player.

Wayne's life and attitude took another turn when he was permanently crippled at the end of a match.  Wayne's hatred led to the end of his wrestling career.  It was not long after that Wayne was appraoched by then President Artful about becoming a VP for the fed.  Wayne accepted and eventually became President after Artful had to leave to undisclosed reasons.

Wayne has wrestled in ASW, EWA, ECEW, UWO, SEWF and various other federations around the country and had fueded with some of the greats including his Tommy Grayson and long time friend Johnny Sledge. Wayne also was voated best tag team along with partner Dean McGrath.

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