EWA Rules and Regulations:


1. The EWA is an Originals only fed. That means that real wrestlers from the WCW, WWF, ECW, Japan or anywhere else will not be allowed.

2. Wrestlers MUST be original. That means that obvious ripoffs of real wrestlers will not be acceptable. We all try to pattern our guys after one pro wrestler or another and that is fine but copying an established wrestler is not being original.

3. There is no limit to the number of wrestlers one handler can have. If you would like to have more than one wrestler(tag teams obviously do not count as two seperate wrestlers), please contact an EWA official first. It would be suggested that your wrestlers differ from one another (e.i.,Tag team, cruiserweight, etc.). What is the point of having 3 Heavyweight wrestlers that are all very similar.

4. Try to make your wrestlers realistic. If we get an application for Archangel from the X-Men comic books or Godzilla it would not be acceptable. The minumum height allowed is 5'5" and max 7'5". Minimum weight is 150 lbs and max would be 600 lbs. There will be a limit of extremely tall or heavy wrestlers allowed. Be realistic. How many 7'+ or 500 + pounders are there in the WWF. The max weight for cruiserweights will be 230 lbs.

5. Push. Each wrestler will receive a push (which can determine rankings, title shots, etc) based on their overall RP quality, how active they are and also based on their wrestler's angle. For the sake of fairness, wrestlers will only be given a push in the division they compete in. If two wrestlers decide to form a tag team and go after the tag team titles they would receive less of a push for singles titles. Also if one member of a tag team decides to wrestle in singles matches then that team would not get as big a push for the tag team titles.


1. The EWA is a fully booked fed. No simulators are used so roleplaying counts for the majoirity of whether you win or lose matches and how much of a push you get.

2. RPs must be at least 20 lines. There is no maximum for RPs but be reasonable. If you want to write a 300 line RP make sure it is interesting and not just taking up space. RPs will be judged primarily on quality, not quantity.

3. Handlers must RP at least twice a week. If you are on vacation, sick, or whatever let an EWA official know and that is fine. Even if you are not scheduled for a match, we would like to see you RP at least once that week. Failure to RP will cause you to lose your match and you will receive a warning. Repeated failure to RP will lead to the handler being removed from the fed. There is also a limit of 2 RPs per day. We do not advocate spamming and people who do that usually do not put in a much effort into each RP. Any RP received after the second RP will be deleted and the handler will need to send the RP over at a later date.

4. No attacking or using other wrestlers or EWA execs in your RPs without their permission. Now saying you passed a VP in the hall or arena, making reference to the exec or having them announce you at a press conference is acceptable. It is acceptable to use ring announcers, commentators, etc in your RPs. Unauthorized use of others will cause you to lose your next match. Repeated violation will lead to the handler being removed from the fed.

5. Swearing should be kept to a minimum. Please try to mask words that would be censored on network TV. There is no specific rule in regards to profanity however excessive use will deduct from the RPs overall quality and will count against you.

6. No racial slurs, bigotry or homosexual remarks will be tolerated. If you plan on running an angle involving any of the above, please talk to an EWA exec first. This may be the easiest way yo get kicked out of the EWA.

7. Words like jobber, face, heel, flash or any type of wrestling jargon or slang should not be used in RPs. When was the last time you heard Steve Austin say that the Undertaker was going to job to him and then turn heel in an interview. Use of the wrestling jargon will lower the quaility of the RP.

8. RPs should only be sent to the EWA e-mail account([email protected] and [email protected]). PLease do not send out your RPs to the fed on your own.


1. Matches will be determined based on the following criteria:

RP Quality (RPs will be judged on a scale of 1-10) - 50%
RP Quantity (Wrestler that is more active) - 15%
Match Strategy(ies) (sent in by handler or other) - 15%
Angle (How match decision will effect angle, etc.) - 20%

As you can see RP quality is the most important factor. We are not saying that you should not RP a lot, but be reasonable. If you are just repeating the same thing over and over, then it counts for very little.

2. Requesting a match can be done via the challenge board on the EWA webpage. Simply post a challenge to an opponent (or open challenge), when you would like the match and any stips you would like. The committee has final say over match stips and when it will take place.

You will also be placed in matches by the booker due to rankings, angles, etc. We will try not to place you against opponents that we feel would be too difficult to defeat (e.g., Rookie wrestling the Global champion in their 1st match).

3. Strategies are not required but as you can see from the scoring system, they can help. Strats should be sent in to the EWA. There will always be a date usually about 3-4 days before the event when the strats are due. You may send in a strat for your match or for any other match where you would like your wrestler to interfere, distract, etc. Please keep in mind that not every strat that gets sent in will be used. It has to fit in with what is going on and work with how the match should go. Many times we receive 5 or more strats for a particular match.

4. Angles. Just like strats, angles are not required but will help. Angles many times will determine what type of push you receive and who you end up wrestling. If a match is very close and one guy's angle will benefit from him getting the win and the other guy doesn't have any angle, the guy with the angle would get the win. An angle is basically a game plan of what you want your guy to do over a certain period of time. Please keep in mind that winning the Global title or any tile for that matter does not really constitute an angle. Everyone wants to win a title. The game plan about how you plan on going about getting the title shot would constitute an angle though.

5. Whining, complaining or arguing about a match decision will not be tolerated. The matches are determined fairly by the members of the commitee. If you do not agree with a match decision, send in an e-mail or IM a member of the commitee and we will be more than happy to explain the decision. General whining, complaining or posting negative remarks about the fed on the Message board will cause the handler to lose his next match. Repeated violations will result in the handler being removed from the fed.


Here are a list of the various titles in the EWA.

Global Heavyweight Title - EWAs version of the World Heavyweight title. Only the best RPers can win this belt. You must be ranked in the top 5 to be eligible for a title shot however lower ranked opponents may get a title shot based on angles or if the champion agrees to the match. The Globla title must be defended at leat once a month but may be required to defend it more often if determined by the exec committee.

North American Title - The second highest title in the EWA. The NA champ is typically the #1 contender to the Global title. You must be ranked in the top 10 to be eligible for a title shot however there may be occasions where a lower ranked or unranked wrestler will recieve a title shot. This title generally must be defended at least twice a month.

Televsion Title - This title could also be called the Ironman title because it must be defended at least once a week. Anyone ranked in the top 15 can challenge for this belt however unranked wrestlers may be given a title shot.

Hardcore Title - This title is for the toughest of the tough. The title will always be defended in hardcore stipulation matches, three way dances and four way matches, etc. This title would be defended typically twice a month and at the PPVs

Cruiserweight Title - This belt is basically somewhere between the North American and TV title in terms of importance. You must weigh under 230 lbs and be ranked one of the top 5 challlengers to this title to get a shot. This belt must also be defended at least twice a month.

World Tag Team Titles - This belt is the top prize for tag teams. It is probably placed somewhere between the Global title and North American title in importance. You obviously must be a tag team(duh) to compete for these belts. The belt must be defended at least twice a month and only teams ranked in the top five will be eligible for a title shot.

Titles may be added or discontinued based on the amount and level of competition.


1. Handler's e-mail addresses or AIM screen names will not be given unless that hanlder says it is okay. If you need to contact a handler, you may send in an e-mail to the EWA and we will forward it to that person. There is also a page that lists AIM screen names. If you would like your SN listed, let one of the execs know or send an e-mail.

2. Have fun!!! This is all about fun. If you start feeling that it is no longer fun, then it is time to take a break.

All of the above rules are subject to change by the EWA. Rules may be added or removed without any prior notification.

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