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The rumours.
The challenges.
Who will win and lose?
Who will be stabbed in the back?
And when do I get paid for this gig?

Jim: Welcome to what will possibly be, the biggest Pay Per View event that the EWA has seen to date!!

Jim: I am Jim Smith, joined by the lovely Crystal Laine.. say something Crystal.

Crystal: Something, Crystal <tee hee> I've always wanted to say that!

Jim: Umm... yeah.

Crystal: Oh, you big fuddy. Anyway, EWA fans, we have a HUGE card out tonight. Conner Chambers of D.I takes on Da Pigg... umm.. who is that?

Jim: I dunno, I think he once starred on the Muppet Show.

Jim: Then we have a HUGE match in Capital Punishment vs. Cyris. Looks like Cappy has to fight twice tonight though.

Crystal: Yes, he has to finish off LoneWolf, too.. who's fighting against Pheonix and.. what's his name as well.

Jim: The other guy is the man that likes to go down... under that is, Nigel Hayes.

Crystal: You'rewrong for that, you KNOW you are. Also, we have the great fued, Nate Walker's team vs. the Quiet Riot... did I get that right?

Jim: Ummm... here, before we go on, read this.

::Jim hands Crystal: a copy of the Current EWA roster.::

Crystal: Oh, RIot Squad... My bad... Who else?

Jim: Alright, let's get to the first match. But first, an interview from Irish Rebel. What? He's want's to do the interview from where?

:: The Extreme-Tron comes to life, showing the interior of the Men's batroom at the bar in which Irish Rebel will fight Shane Sanders.The Irish Rebel comes out of one of the stalls and he appears to be holding something in his hand, the camera zooms in closer and you can clearly see it is a T-Shirt of some sorts, the Rebel holds it up for the camera to clearly see and in  big bold letters we see GNW, the Rebel precedes to rip the shirt in half, and then throw it on the ground, he turns around to not be facing the camera, a swoosh type sound is heard and then we hear a torrent, almost like a waterfall of sorts cascading down, the camera pans down a little lower and we see the Rebel is uhmm...urinating on the T-Shirt, a minute or so later we hear the swish sound again and the Rebel turns around and jumps up on a table looking around::

"Now all my fellow EWAites, now is the time to band together, these boys at GNW seem to think they can actually consider themselves in the same category as us? They don't seem to realize that we're the E-W-Fucking-A! Now the way I see it we only have one choice, and that choice is to prove to the GNW we're the shit, and prove to the whole damn EWWF alliance we ain't no damn rookie fed, now I have a question or two and this goes out to every man in the EWA, who is with me? Who is going to help show the whole fucking EWWF who the best damn Fed is? The GNW started a war, a war I don't think they're ready to have, and I plan on finishing this war, and anyone else that has any pride in this federation at all will join with me, we fight a common enemy now boys, it's time to put all differences aside just this once, it's time that the EWA come into its own."

Irish Rebel vs. Shane Sanders

Shane Sanders makes his way into an empty bar.  He walks around slowly looking around the bar, making sure Irish Rebel is not hiding anywhere by the bar.Suddenly,  billiards balls are being thrown at SS.  Hitting him hard in the small of the back.  SS drops to a knee.  IR comes running and takes a Happy Gilmore swing with the pool stick and smashes it against SS's head shattering the pool stick.  IR picks up a barstool and smashes it against SS.  IR jumps behind the bar and out of the corner of his eye notices the tap.  IR goes to the tap and starts chugging the beer with his mouth around the tap.  SS comes across the bar with high cross flying press.  Smashing IR's moth against the tap.  He is bleeding badly form the mouth.  SS picks up IR and tosses him across the bar and falling on the concrete.  SS leaps to the top of the bar but is met with a barstool.  The ref finally makes his way to the bar appearing a little tipsy he has a seat at a booth.  IR picks up SS and slams him into the cigarette machine.  Cigarettes coming down the machine and  spill on to the floor.  IR picks SS up by the hair and gorilla presses him  over the bar.  SS gets to his feet but here comes IR attempting a cross body but SS ducks out of the way.  SS goes to the window cooler at the back off the  bar and begins throwing bottles of beer at the fallen IR.  Heineken, Grolsch, Amstel Light, Bud, Bud Ice, Molson all being smashed on IR.  IR opens an eye and notices the Bud label next to him.  IR leaps to his face and spears  SS through the window cooler.  IR takes a bottle of JD and smashes it over the bloody SS.  IR grabs a leg of SS and drags him next to the pool table. IR lifts up the pool table and dumps right on SS.  IR goes over to the ref   but he is passed out on the table.  IR makes his way to the bar and takes a bottle of Absolut out he goes to smash it against SS but instead he decides to drink it. Shot after shot IR finishes a brand new bottle.  Suddenly, darts are being tossed sticking in the back of IR's head.  IR gets up quickly and turns around.  His next move is straight to the ground.  IR gets up slowly and starts swinging at the air.  SS stands there laughing.  He then connects with a drop kick sending IR to the front of the bar.  SS takes off a banner from the walls and wraps it around IR.  IR is mumbling something and swinging his legs.  A kick connected with SS in the crotch.  SS falls backwards and  lands on a piece of the pool stick.  It is stuck in his side.  IR gets free from the banner and picks up a bar stool and throws it against the wall.  He then  goes over to that barstool and begins kicking it.  SS is creeping up on IR, IR picks up the barstool and tosses it backwards.  It hits SS in the face. SS is down.  IR turns and leaps pounding on the barstool and SS.  He picks up SS and throws him against the wall and he lands in front of the drunken referee. SS's hand lands on top of the ref, waking him up.  IR is still beating on the bar stool.  SS is knocked out.  The ref picks up SS's arm once and it falls. He picks it up a second time and it falls again.  He picks it up a third time but IR comes diving and is beating on the ref.  He picks up the ref and DDT's him. He grabs SS and screams at him to make the count.  SS just remains motionless. IR phantoms the 1-2-3.  He gets up and passes out on top of SS.  The two don't move for a moment but the ref wakes up and counts the 1-2-3.   

Winner: Irish Rebel via one hell of a barfight

Crystal: Ooohhh, that was exciting.. Rebel looked like he was right at hone....

Jim: Yeah, he looked at home, but if all of his matches are like that, I see a liver transplant in his futur.

Crystal: At least he got rid of the midget... what's next?

Jim: Next we have our "bathroom break", because up next, is an interview with Wayne Rothschild.

Crystal: Oh, good, I HAVE to powder my nose. Byeee!

Jim: MAN look at the way she swings that....

Interviewer:  I am standing here with one of the members of Team Walker, Wayne "The Train" Rothschild.  Tonight you are set to take part in an eight-man battle Royal that will determine the fate of at least one wrestler or possibly a whole group.  What are your thoughts on the match?

WR:  There's going to be a lot of emotions running wild in this match tonight. This match is a must win for both sides and the hatred and rivalry has been building for almost two months now.  I see this being one of the hardest
fought matches in EWA history.

Interviewer: Tonight you are teamed up with Nate Walker, but just a month ago at the last Pay Per view, the two of you had a very grueling match. What has changed over the last month?

WR:  Back then, I really didn't have any direction and I didn't know anyone here and when a man comes out and hits you with a chair, you do something about it.  In the match that I had with Nate, I learned to respect him and over the last month, I have gotten to know him and regard him as a good friend and ally.

Interviewer: Speaking of friends and allies, what do you think caused Dustin Warchild to suddenly switch sides and join the Riot Squad?

WR:  Looking back, I really have no idea what caused Dustin to do what he did. I listen to the things he says and they just don't add up.  It is really a painful situation because I regarded Dustin as one of the few friends…ah, hell…

(Helldorado comes around the corner as the "Train" is giving the interview and walks towards him.)

Helldorado: You don't know the meaning of pain, you little cry baby. Just wait a few hours and you're gonna know the true meaning of pain.  That little number that Dustin and I did on you is going to be nothing compared to what's going to happen in that match. The Riot Squad is going to wreck your Train one more time.

(The two wrestlers moves closer to each other)

WR:  Why wait till later.  We can get it on right now.

Helldorado: Big words, little man. Why don't you just join the Riot Squad like your ole buddy Dustin Warchild?  Hell, even Walker is going to be in the Riot Squad after the match, and then the "Wrecked Train" will be all alone.

WR: That does it.  Who needs to wait?

("The Train" runs at Helldorado and nails him with a vicious short clothesline and begins stomping on him.  He goes to pick up Hell, but gets hit with a low blow and then Helldorado unleashes a wicked uppercut.  Both men are staggering, but the "Train" charges and hits a football tackle. Both men are rolling around, scrambling for control. 

They both get up and the "Train" attempts to whip Helldorado into a wall, but it gets reversed and Rothschild eats the wall.  "The Train" turns around and gets a boot to the stomach and then Hell delivers a vicious DDT. Helldorado
is gloating and turns his back.   Rothschild staggers to his feet, picks up a garbage can and cracks it over Hell's back.

Helldorado turns around and both men trade blows as security breaks up the fight. Finally, getting both men into the back, alloing the next match to take place.)

Atrvito vs. Helldorado

The camera swings back to the ring, just in time to see the action start. Atrevito and Helldorado are circling in the ring, both are holding weapons in their hands. Helldorado has a barbed wire wrapped bat, and Atrvito has a golf club. Both men are looking for an opening. Finally Atrvito lunges at Helldorado, swinging his club, but it's blocked when Helldorado swings his bat. The club gets tangled up in the barbed wire and both men are fighting for position. Back and forth, the tugging war goes. It fianlly ends when Atrevito, unexpectedly lets go, making Helldorado stumble backward. He stops when his back touches the ropes, and stands there laughing at Atrevito. But wait... Attrevito runs back and bounces off the far ropes. He flies at Helldorado with a missle dropkick!! Helldorado is surprised as he flips over the top rope and to the floor!! Atrevito follows him out and drags him, roughly to his feet. He whips Helldorado into the guardrail and follows up with a shoulder block. Atrevito reaches over the guardrail and grabs a fan's chair. he winds up with the chair and swings!! Nooo!!!! Helldorado ducks right after Atrevito swings, and Atrevito is unable to stop the swing!! He's just taken out a little old lady at ringside!!! Helldorado grabs the little old lady's purse and swings!! Whao!! There must be a ton of BRICKS in that thing!! Atrevito has fallen to the floor as Helldorado drops the purse. He yelps out in pain because hte purse has landed on his left foot. Helldorado is hopping around on one foot as Atrevito gets, shakily to his feet. Atrevito takes the opprotunity to roll Helldorado back into the ring. As Atrevito rolls in after him, he's caught with an elbow drop to the back of his head. Helldorado is on his feet and picks Atrevito up. He whips Atrevito into the far corner, and follows in twith a shoulder block to the midsection. Atrevito doubles over in pain adn Helldorado NAILS him with a DDT!!!! Atrevto is out and Helldorado goes for the pin. 1, 2, thre NOOOO!! Atrevito has a foot up on the ropes!! The ref tells Helldorado to get up and as he does so, Atrevito grabs one of his legs and rolls!! Helldorado is taken off his feet and Atrevito gets to his feet, still holding onto Helldorado's leg. Atrevito drops, and lands on Helldorado's knee and rolls away as Helldorado grabs the knee in pain. Atrevito goes to the outside and tosses a chair inside the ring. He stands over Helldorado with the chair raised over his head. Wait!! Helldorado rolls out of the way, just as Atrevito slams the chair down!! Helldorado, in an act of desparation, rolls up to his feet and nails Atrevito in the gut with a kick. Atrevito drops the chair and Helldorado picks him up into a "rack" like hold, and then SLAM!!! Falls back onto the chair. Helldorado hooks the legs... 1, 2, 3!!!

Winner: Helldorado via Eleventeen

Jim: Whew, watch out for the burritos. They go right through you.

Jim: What did I miss?

Crystal: <filing her nails> Oh, not much, just some guy named after a potato chip beating someone up...

Jim: Umm... Have you been reading the roster that I gave you?

Crystal: Yeah.. why?

Jim: Oh... just wondering. Well lets take a look at out next match.

Crystal: And what match is that, sugar?

Jim: This is gonna be a good one. Capital Punishment vs. Cyris. These guys have been going back and forth for some time now, there seems to be a deep dislike between the.. umm... you called me sugar. <swoons>

Crystal: <rolls her eyes> I call my chuahua sugar, too. Let's get on with the match, OK?

Capital Punishment vs. Cyris

The camera pans around the capacity crowd on the arena...they're repeatedly chanting "EWA! EWA! EWA!". Suddenly, the lights go dim, and the familiar tune of "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses starts see Cyris walking to the ring with his stablemates in the Death Row, throwing his arms in   the air, getting neutral cheers from the crowd...suddenly, EWA officials come out, and tell the rest of the Death Row to go to the back. Cyris looks back,
and ignores what happened, as he knows he can wrestle the match by himself.  He enters the ring, and throws his arms in the air...suddenly, the lights begin to flash repeatedly, simulating lightning, and the horrifying sound of  an electric chair goes out through the arena, and Capital Punishment walks to the ring with the vivacious Ms. Lisa. Capital Punishment enters the ring, and almost immediately, him and Cyris go into a staredown. The referee separates them, and they go into opposite corners...the bell rings...and CP and Cyris run at each other! They're both a house of fire, going blow for blow! After a few moments of punching, and brawling, Cyris gets in a gouge to the eye of Capital Punishment, and CP backs off to the center of the ring, stunned...Cyris runs in from behind and hits CP with a double axehandle, and knocks CP down to his knees...Cyris exits the ring to the outside, and grabs a steel chair...he tosses it over the top rope, and then gets in the ring himself. It looks like he's going to dish out some punishment of Capital Punishment...OH MY GOD! Cyris just smacked CP over the head with the chair! CP is dazed...CP struggles to pull himself to his feet, but Cyris prevents that with several kicks to the back. CP pulls himself up with the corner turnbuckle...Cyris nails CP with a punch to the face...CP is standing dazed against the corner...Cyris backs up with the chair...and charges at CP...he tries to hit CP, but he dodges, and Cyris hits the turnbuckle instead...CP grabs the chair from Cyris, and hits him with a hard chair shot! The loud "smack" echoes throughout the arena! Cyris falls out to the ring...the camera closes in on him, and we see that he's busted wide open on the forehead...he sees the blood on his hands, and gets a stunned look on his face...he doesn't see what's coming next...CP rebounds from the ropes, and jumps with a suicide dive onto Cyris with the chair! Cyris goes reeling into the guardrail, as the momentum sends CP right over the guardrail into the first row! Both competitors are slowly getting up...Cyris is favoring the back of his head, and it looks like he could have a concussion...CP is slowly getting up, with a small cut opened above his eye. CP wipes the blood off, and climbs over the guardrail...CP grabs the bloody and half-concious Cyris and drags him all the way to the Spanish commentator's table...CP grabs Cyris by the throat...CHOKESLAM THROUGH THE SPANISH COMMENTATOR'S TABLE!!! The table cracks in two, and the monitors, papers, pens, and pencils fall over Cyris...the Spanish commentators are yelling in amazement...CP pulls Cyris up and throws him into the ring...CP climbs the ropes, and waits for Cyris to get up...Cyris gets up, and CP leaps off with a flying clothesline...but Cyris nails him in the midsection! Cyris picks up the dazed CP...throws him into the ropes...kicks CP in the midsection as he comes back...a beautiful DDT by Cyris! Cyris covers...1, 2, NO! CP kicks out! Cyris picks up CP, and nails him with two right hands, which opens the cut above CP's eye even more, which causes blood to flow down his cheek, to the shock of Miss Lisa. Cyris puts CP between his legs, and signals for the Death Sentence...but, no! Miss
Lisa is on the apron, and she's trying to distract Cyris! No, no! Cyris grabs Miss Lisa by the hair and pulls her into the ring! She's begging off...but Cyris puts her between his legs...and EXECUTES THE DEATH SENTENCE ON MISS LISA! OH NO!! THIS IS TERRIBLE!!! CP is partially unconcious, and doesn't know what the hell is going on! Cyris throws his arms in the air, and the crowd cheers on..."Cyris, Cyris, Cyris, Cyris..." ....suddenly, CP, realizes what happens, and tends to Miss Lisa, who is lying unconcious on the a rage, CP charges at Cyris, but Cyris moves, and CP's shoulder hits the ring post! CP is screaming in pain! Cyris takes a roll of barbwire and wraps it around CP's head! MY GOD! CP is bleeding profusely from various locations on his  face! Cyris finally lets go of CP with the barbwire...Cyris wraps the barbwire around his fist...and nails CP in the face with it! CP falls to the canvas like a ton of bricks, a ton of BLEEDING bricks! Blood is pouring out of  the heads of both Cyris and CP! CP's blood is literally staining the mat...Cyris takes his barbwire-wrapped fist...and nails CP repeatedly in the back of  the head...Cyris picks up CP...DEATH SENTENCE!!! Cyris covers CP...1, 2, NO!!!! CP kicks out! CP kicks out of the Death Sentence! Cyris is argueing with the referee about the count! He thinks he won...wait a second...CP is slowly recovering...OH MY GOD! CP nails Cyris with a low blow as he was talking to the referee! He rolls up Cyris...1, 2, NO!! CP throws Cyris into the ropes...WHAT A DECAPITATING CLOTHESLINE! CYRIS' HEAD ALMOST CAME OFF!! Miss Lisa has finally gotten out of the ring...CP grabs the stunned Cyris...he places Cyris on the top rope...he's setting up Cyris for the Judgement Drop!! As CP goes up, Cyris nails him with an elbow to the face! CP falls back onto the canvas! Cyris climbs off the top rope, grabs the chair...and goes to the top again...he's waiting for the bloody CP to get up...OH NO! Cyris jumps off with a chairshot to the head of CP!! What impact! The chair is totally dented! CP is unconcious! Cyris covers him...1, 2--NO!! Capital Punishment somehow kicks out! Cyris picks up CP and throws him to the outside...Cyris follows him...Cyris sets up a table on the outside and puts CP on it...Cyris goes to the top rope...OH MY GOD! SENTON SPLASH ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT THROUGH THE TABLE!!! The fans are going wild! Suddenly, we hear a chant of "EWA! EWA! EWA!"...Cyris picks up the bloody CP, and sets him up...RUSSIAL LEGSWEEP ONTO THE STEEL GUARDRAIL!!! CP is in extreme pain! Cyris hit the back of his head on the guardrail, and it looks as if he's unconcious...the blood is still flowing from his forehead. Cyris pulls himself up, grabs CP and tosses him into the ring...wait, Cyris is taking part of the guardrail with him! He throws the guardrail in the ring, and then he gets in the ring himself...he sets up the guardrail, picks up CP...and CROTCHES CP on the guardrail!! Cyris rebounds from the ropes and clotheslines CP off the guardrail! Cyris picks up CP...sets him up...the DEATH SENTENCE!!!!!!!!! Cyris covers CP...1, 2, NO!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?! A masked man has come out from the crowd, and he's attacking Cyris!! He's beating down Cyris with a nightstick! The referee is calling for the bell! Oh no! The masked man just smacked the ref in the back of the head with the nightstick! My god! CP is on the canvas unconcious! Cyris is hurt! The masked man runs out through the crowd! Cyris wins via a DQ, and here comes the other members of Death Row to tend to Cyris...the fans begin booing  as Death Row drags out Cyris to the back...the fans and death row are not happy about the result.

Winner: Cyris via DQ

Jim: WOW!! What a match up!! Both men gave their all, and Cyris won with just a little help from that masked man.But it looks like he didn't quite appreciate the help.

Crystal: Who was that masked man? He looked scary!

Jim: Hmm... I dunno, but I do know one thing. Whoever it is, isn't too fond of Cyris.

Crystal: Obviously not! Umm... I'm scared, what's next?

Jim: Up next we have the battle for the North American Cyber Title between Suicide King and Tommy Grayson. So
let's go to the ring.. WAIT!! What the... oh, now this guy looks familiar.

Crystal: Not only familiar, but handsome, too... who's he? <smiling lasiviously>

VP Artful: Ummm, Hi. Do I know you?

Crystal: No, but you sure want to, am I right? <eyes twinkling>

Jim: Crystal Laine, VP Artful...

Crystal: Charmed...

VP Artful: Indeed. So, how's the show going?

Jim: Not too bad so fa...

VP Artful: So, how would you like to come back to my office after the show?

Jim: Umm... I don't think that would be appro..

VP Artful: Was I talking to you?

Crystal: He meant me, Jimmy! I'd love to <3.<3

VP Artful: Great, my office is right next to President Aaron's.

Crystal: <seductively> I'll be there...

Jim: Am I even here?

Crystal: Do you hear something, Mr. Vice President?

VP Artful: Oh, don't mind that. I have gas.

Crystal: <laughs delightedly>

VP Artful: I think it was the chilli dog I had for lunch

Jim: Ahhh screw it... let em talk. We need to get to the match...

"The Suck for Your Solution" blasts through the speakers and Suicide King makes his way to the ring, slapping hands with his fans and autographing his book as he goes. He slides into the ring as "Are You Gonna Go My Way" rings out and Tommy Grayson struts to the ring with Patti D'Amour on his arm. The fans are split, half booing and half cheering, and Tommy is just eating it up. He slides into the ring right into a knee drop form Suicide King!! SK lifts him up and whips him into the corner, but TG reverses with a hard clothesline that sends SK crashing to the mat! TG picks SK up, and delivers a boot to the gut, followed by a reverse DDT! SK is down on the ground, and TG looks around, grinning like a kid in a toy store at all the weapons in the ring. He picks up a roll of razor wire and starts to wrap it around SK's head!! SK is bleeding profusely now, and screaming in pain! Tommy Grayson grabs a rake and slams the end on SK's neck, breaking it in half! SK manages to get the razor wire off, but pays for it with a gush of blood from the wounds. TG laughs at him, but stops abruptly when SK's scissor kick hits him in the head! SK takes the broken rake and begins beating TG over the head and shoulders. TG has no time to get up, but SK begins to grimace, then back up, wiping blood and sweat from his eyes. TG capitalizes on this by standing and hitting a running clothesline. He picks up a traffic sign and bashes SK over the head with it! TG stats stomping SK into the ground, grinning evilly. He picks him up and hits a pile driver onto the sign! Suicide  King is being brutalized by Grayson! Grayson grabs a spike from D'Amour and gets a hammer from the floor of the ring. He sets the spike against SK's forehead!! He's going to kill SK!! He reaches back with the hammer, but NO!! SK's foot comes up and racks TG's nutz! TG is down, rolling on the ground, and SK starts kicking him! From the back come Ray Simmons and Johnny Sledge come out to ringside! They're taunting  SK from ringside, and SK is arguing with the referee that they're interfering. The ref is denying it, and they're arguing back and forth! Grayson stands up, and is about to hit Suicide King in the back, when SK spins and delivers a Russian legsweep. Grayson falls, and Suicide King starts kicking him hard in the groin! TG's eyes are bugging out! SK flips him over in the middle of the ring and applies a sharpshooter! Grayson is screaming, but refuses to tap out! SK wrenches back harder, and Grayson screams again! SK grabs a bat and starts beating on his groin again!! TG goes limp! The ref lifts his hand once... twice... third time and signals for the bell!

WINNER: SK via Sharpshooter

From the back a figure comes running toward the ring. SK is up, celebrating his victory, yelling at Grayson "SUCK YOUR OWN NUTZ, ASSHOLE!" He turns just in time to see Scotty Jaguar bean him over the head with the DECWF Title belt!! SK is down, and Simmons and Sledge are helping Tommy out of the ring. Simmons calls for the mic. "Everyone, welcome the NEWEST, RUDEST member, besides me, of course, to the Innovators of Violence, SCOTTY JAGUAR!!" Scotty continues to kick the downed SK, when "Control" by Traci Lords rings out through the speakers. Jaguar stops, and looks toward the entrance, but sees no one. He continues to beat on a helpless Suicide King when a man with blonde hair and a braided pigtail comes out of the audience! He is wearing a black shirt and white martial arts pants that have Japanese characters on both sides. He slides into the ring, directly behind Scotty, and when Scotty raises the DECWF World Title Belt to slam it into SK, he grabs it and rips it from his hands! Scotty turns and punches at the newcomer, but his fist meets the belt! He shakes his hand, and the newcomer grabs his hair and slams his head into his knee. He then puts the belt down, takes Jaguar, and grabs him for a german suplex... he climbs TO THE TOP ROPE!!! GERMAN SUPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE BELT!! Scotty is out cold, and the new person takes the belt and gets out of the ring. He gets a mic. "Jaguar, you NEVER earned this belt! It was given to you by those above you, and you have no right to brag about it! I'm taking this belt back, because *I* am the rightful owner. Just remember, NEVER fuck with a Wild Horse!" The newcomer leaves, leaving the audience speechless.

Jim: WOW!! Now that has to have been one of the best matches tonight!!

VP Artful: Who? Huh? Where? What match? What happened?

Jim: Umm... the match that Suicide King just won?

Crystal: Hmmm? Oh, yeah... Well, I just have one thing to say... that one guy was a real ass!

Jim: He's the new North American Cyber Champ. Though it looks like he's already getting a challenge from Scotty Jaguar, who seems to be having trouble of his own...

VP Artful: Sorry, I was distracted.

Jim: Yeah I see that...

VP Artful: I must be good luck, or something.

Crystal: <giggles> So, you like... strip miniature golf, Mr. Vice President?

VP Artful: <growls seductivly> Oh yes.

Jim: (sighs) Well, I guess I can say something about the next match. Lonewolf take on posiibly three men, if he can get past Phoenix and Nigel Hayes, he gets, yet another opprotunity to face Capital Punishment. Let's take a look at the action.

Lonewolf vs. Phoenix/Nigel Hayes/ Capital Punishment

The camera pans around the jam-packed arena, setting on signs like "Cappy, Let Hanging Judge do the Judging!" and "Phoenix-write a book!" as long howls ring throughout the arena and slow classical music is heard. Lonewolf charges to the ring where Phoenix stands awaiting him. Phoenix catches Lonewolf off guard with a double ax-handle to the back of the neck.Lonewolf goes to his knees as Phoenix hits him with a sliding dropkick, sending Lonewolf to the outside. Phoenix goes to the top rope, and hits a missile dropkick slamming Lonewolf into the guardrail. He throws Lonewolf back in the ring and follows him in. Phoenix grabs for Lonewolf's head but Lonewolf elbows Phoenix in the gut. Phoenix doubles over and recieves a DDT! Lonewolf covers, 1, 2, no. Lonewolf picks Phoenix up again, Irish whips him, and knocks him down with a lariat. He then throws Phoenix into the corner and follows him in with a clothesline. He repeats this twice and Phoenix falls to his knees. Lonewolf goes up top and drops an elbow onto the small of Phoenix's back. He sets up for the Midnight Howl, but Phoenix turns it into a small package! 1, 2, thre--kickout! Lonewolf jumps up but is hit with a low blow. Phoenix picks him up and hits an Atomic Drop! Another! He then sweeps Lonewolf's legs out and locks in a Hubcap Boston Crab! Lonewolf screams in pain and struggles to reach the ropes, and finally does. He gets up slowly but is knocked back down with a spinning heel kick.

Phoenix throws Lonewolf into the corner and starts pounding him on the head. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8--Lonewolf blocks the next punch, grabs Phoenix by the legs and hits a running Spinebuster! 1, 2, th--no! Lonewolf goes outside and comes back with a chair. He swings it at Phoenix's head, but Phoenix ducks and clips Lonewolf's knee out. He stomps on it a few times, then drops an elbow on it. He lays Lonewolf's leg on the chair, and hits a swan dive onto the leg! Lonewolf rolls around in pain as Phoenix bashes him across the back twice with the chair. He tosses it aside, then takes Lonewolf to the top rope, and hits a leglock superplex! He covers Lonewolf, 1, 2, thre--NO! Lonewolf was too close to the ropes and he grabbed one. Phoenix pulls him back and locks him in an STF. Lonewolf tries to roll around but can't. After a few minutes, Phoenix releases the hold, and gets Lonewolf in a sleeper! Lonewolf struggles for a while, then falls to the mat. He looks to be out cold. The ref checks the arm.Once...twice...thir--no!

Lonewolf keeps his arm up and is standing up. He reaches back, grabs Phoenix's head, and hits a jawbreaker! Phoenix falls back holding his jaw as Lonewolf grabs the chair! He goes to the top rope and comes off and nails Phoenix in the head! Phoenix is busted open and laying in the middle of the ring. Lonewolf takes him to the corner, and hangs him upside down like for a Tree of Woe. He then lays the chair in front of Phoenix's face, runs back and hits a dropkick to the chair! The chair falls, and Phoenix's face is bathed in blood! Lonewolf drags the limp Phoenix into the middle of the ring and applies the Midnight Howl! Phoenix is passed out! Lonewolf wins!


Lonewolf leans back in the corner for a breath of air as Nigel Hayes sprints towards the ring. He slides in but this time Lonewolf is prepared and hits a leg drop across NH's neck. He picks him up and throws him into the corner. He chops him twice drawing loud yells of "Whooooo!" from the fans. He then Irish whips him into the other corner and follows up with a handspring elbow! NH staggers forward and falls. Lonewolf picks him up by the hair but is raked in the eyes by NH. NH grabs Lonewolf by the neck, and throws him over the top rope to the outside! He slides out after him and throws Lonewolf head-first into the steel railing. He then picks up the steel steps, and bashes them over Lonewolf's head! Lonewolf is now bleeding from a deep gash on the forehead. NH picks Lonewolf up, and hits a side-salto suplex onto the steps! He then goes to the top rope, but misses a suicide splash!

Lonewolf drags NH up, wipes the blood from his own eyes, and scoop slams NH. He then removes the padding on the outside revealing the hard concrete, and suplexes NH on the concrete! Lonewolf grabs NH's head and starts rubbing and slamming his face into the ground viciously. He picks him up and we see blood smeared all over the concrete, and covering NH's face and dripping down to his chest. Lonewolf drags NH to the entrance ramp, and hits a spinning neckbreaker. He then goes back into the locker room area, and runs back out with a 2X4! He swings for NH's head but NH sweeps Lonewolf's feet out just in time. NH grabs the 2X4 from Lonewolf and slams it across his back, breaking it in two! The fans are going wild, and now NH drags Lonewolf back to the ring and throws him in. He goes to the top and hits a flying clothesline. Lonewolf falls and crawls into a corner. He's got to be worn out. NH picks him up and hits a Piledriver! It's over! 1, 2, thre--NO!!! Lonewolf raised his shoulder! NH gets frustrated and slaps Lonewolf across the face a couple of times, enraging Lonewolf who jumps up, throws NW down and starts stomping on NW's face! Lonewolf goes up top and dives off, but NH catches him in mid-air and executes the Down Under sidewalk slam! 1, 2, 3...wait! Lonewolf landed with one foot laying on the bottom rope! NH Irish whips him and tries for Down Under again...but Lonewolf slides through his legs and rolls NH up! 1, 2, 3! NH jumps up pissed and charges at Lonewolf who hits him with a DDT, and throws him outside.

             WINNER: LONEWOLF via ROLL-UP

Lonewolf falls to his knees, desperate for a rest as the sounds of an electric chair and lightning is heard, signifying the entrance of Capital Punishment. Lonewolf jumps to his feet and looks towards the entryway awaiting CP's entrance, but CP comes in through the fans and sneaks up behind Lonewolf, hitting a belly-to-back into a bridge! 1, 2, th--no! Lonewolf tries to get up but is kneed twice in the kidneys by CP. He falls to the ground as CP goes to the top and hits an elbow drop on Lonewolf's kidney area. Lonewolf is about to pass out from pain and exhaustion, but CP is still taking it to him. He picks Lonewolf up and hits a fallaway slam for a 2 count. He then goes outside and comes back with the same chair that caused Phoenix's first loss. He lays it down, and slams Lonewolf on the chair once, twice, three times. He then picks Lonewolf up and hits a shoulder breaker! 1, 2, thre--NO!

The fans start chanting Lonewolf's name but CP yells at them to shut the f--- up, and starts digging an elbow into Lonewolf's kidney area again and twisting it around. Lonewolf is screaming in pain. CP grabs the chair and holds it up to hit Lonewolf, but Lonewolf dropkicks the chair, ramming it into CP's face! Lonewolf starts getting fired up and is unleashing rights and lefts into the face of CP. He picks CP up, and hits a running powerbomb! He stands on the second rope facing the fans and lets out a long howl, and calls for the Midnight Howl! He starts setting it up, as--what? Rob Riot, Rage and Helldorado are making their way down to the ring! Riot starts distracting the ref as Helldorado runs at Lonewolf. He dives at him but is hit with a frontal DDT! Lonewolf looks down at him but doesn't see Rage sneak up behind him. Rage grabs a chair and bashes Lonewolf on the head with it! He then picks him up and hits the Mindless Rage onto the chair! He lays CP over Lonewolf and the three men leave the ring. The ref turns and sees CP on top of Lonewolf and counts. 1, 2, 3!!!


The ref raises CP's hand as the Riot Squad reenters the ring. Helldorado grabs the referee, and throws him outside the ring. Rob Riot has a mic, and starts talking.

Rob Riot: Capital, I bet you're asking yourself why we did this. Well, the answer is simple. We want you, in the Riot Squad. We've been watching you for a while, and we feel that you deserve to be with the best. But don't answer now. We give you until this show is over, to give us the answer. Think about it, big man.

Riot tosses the mic aside and he, Rage, and Helldorado exit the ring and return to the locker room area. CP watches them walk away, then exits through the fans.

Crystal: <winks> I like to skinny dip in the water traps...

Jim: Ok, can we PLEASE talk about the PPV, now that it's almost over?

VP Artful: So anyway, there I was dirnking a latte over in paris...

Crystal: Ooooh, latte... I like mocha cappuciano myself...

VP Artful: They just don't make them the same over in Paris

Crystal: Wellll... I wouldn't know, I've never BEEN to paris... <sigh>

Riot Squad vs. Nate Walker's Team

The camera cuts from the commentators and over to the entrance way as the fans are impatiently waiting for the next match to get under way.  "Vietnow" by Rage Against the Machine kicks in and pumps out of the P.A. system as the fans break out into a chorus of boos for the leader of one of the most hated stables in the world.  Rob Riot walks out from the back and laughs as all the fans boo louder.  Then, as"Start Me Up" by Rolling Stones kicks in and blares out from the sound system in the arena, Riot books down to the ring, obviously not wanting anything to do with Nate Walker at the moment.  Walker steps out from the back as the curtains to the entryway part obviously still in alot of pain.  His ribs are all taped up and his is walking with an noticable limp. But besides that, Nate hurries down to the ring and slides in.  The ref calls for the bell and this one is started!

Rob Riot begins stomping on the lower back area of Nate as soon as Walker slides in.Walker manages to get to his feet and the battle of the fists begin. Walker wins this one out and backs Rob into the ropes.  Nate sends him to the far side with an irish whip and takes Rob down with a drop toe hold. Nate begins kicking and stomping Riot's head as Rob tries to cover up, yelling every obscinety in the book at Rob.  Nate picks Riot up and drags him to the ropes and tries picking him up to elimante him.  ACK, Nate's leg gave out and Walker crumbles to the mat in a heap.  Riot bounces of the far side and drops a knee to the chest of Walker.  Nate isn't moving, so Rob rolls outside under the ropes and grabs a chair.  Riot crawls back in and sets the chair up. Rob goes back to Nate and picks him up then crotches Walker on the top rope. Riot climbs up after him and begins yelling at him and slapping him.  Riot picks Walker up, twists around and jumps.  POWERBOMB ON NATE WALKER ONTO THE  CHAIR! Rob grabs the chair and leans back onto the ropes, waiting.....


"Ghost Rider" by Henry Rollins pumps out over the arena and Rage makes his way down to the ring where Rob is celebrating their two to one advantage. Nate is up!  Nate is up!  Rob turns around and BAM!  Nate hit the Gunned Down into the chair, into Rob's face!  Nate slumbs down against the ropes as Riot falls to the ground with an audible groan.  Rage hits the ring and begins laying the fists into the head of Nate Walker.  Walker manages to get a few fists into the gut of Rage that staggers the big man.  Nate comes off the ropes and levels Rage with a desperation clothesline.  All three men are out of it. What the hell is this?  Someone is coming to the ring.  It's Capital Punishment!  Capital Punishment?????? Oh well, he has a chair with him  and he slides into the ring just about the same time as Rage, Riot and Walker all get to their feet.  It looks as if it is going to be a stand off.  Rage and Riot against Walker and Capital Punishment who isn't even supposed to be here. Nate looks at CP, then charges in and tackles Rob to the ground, pounding mercifuless on his face.  Rage reaches over and pulls Walker off of Rob and holds him.  Walker looks wide eyed as the chair from Capital Punishment comes crashing down on his head.  He rips off his shirt to show a Riot Squad shirt underneith.  Capital Punishment has joined the Riot Squad.  CP hops out of the ring and sit's at ringside as Rage and Riot pick Walker up for the easy elimination.


A loud "Choo Choo" blares out of the loud speakers as "Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against the Machine kicks in.  The curtains to the entryway part and Wayne "The Train" Rothschild comes tearing ass out of the back, ripping off his neck brace as he hits the ring.  Rage turns around to handle WR but get's leveled with a hard right.  Train goes over to where Rob is about to eliminate Nate and he dumps Riot over the tope!  Rob Riot is eliminated!  No, wait.....he hit the ring apron and slides back in just as Wayne is helping Nate to his feet.  Rage and Rob come up behind the two of them and Rothschild and Walker both get nailed with back suplexs.  Rage rolls out under the ropes and comes back in with the ring bell.  Wayne is just now getting to his feet, while Rob is off beating on Walker.  Rothschild turns around and is completely rocked by the ring bell!  Rage put's the bell over Rothschild's head and stomps on it, then tries eliminating him as Rob is over in the corner, stomping a hole into Nate Walker's chest cavity.


"My own Summer" by Deftones plays out over the loudspeakers and Helldorado comes charging down to the ring, holding up a pair of brass knuckles for everyone to see.  he slides into the ring and goes over to Rage and Rothschild and begins pounding on the Train.  All of a sudden....Flame and Dustin Warchild come running down from the back.  They tell Capital Punishment to go back, that they have everything under control.  CP reluctantly agrees and disapears into the crowd as Flame and Warchild grab chairs and slide into the ring.  Rage holds Rothschild up and Helldorado and Rob Riot hold up Nate Walker.  Flame and Dustin both get devilish grins on their faces.  Flame MISSES Rothschild and nails Rage!  Dustin smacks his chair right over Rob Riot's head.  Flame laughs and tosses his chair to the side and jumps out of the ring and heads to the back.  Helldorado, unable to beleive what just happened, charges at Warchild with a right hook.  Dustin ducks and Helldorado spins around and Warchild hooks him.......JESUS CHRIST!  Warblaster on Helldorado.  Helldorado went OVER the top ropes and through a table!

Helldorado Eliminated by Dustin Warchild via. Warblaster over the top  ropes through a table. 

Warchild goes over and helps both the Train and Nate to their feet and the three celebrate a quick victory.  Then "Epic" by Faith No More kicks in and pumps out of the loudspeakers.  Johnny Sledge is nowhere to be found.  The music stops, then changes over to "Zero Signal" by Fear Factory.  It's Fang! FANG IS THE MYSTERY PARTNER!  Fang walks out with Violet and Jamie Langestraight on his arms, directing him towards the ring.  But wait....Fang is in his street clothes.  The three of them stop and confer for a moment, then Jamie takes off in a dead run towards the ring!  Jamie is the mystery partner?!  Walker and Rothschild begin completely devestating Rob Riot as Jamie goes over to Rage, her face a mask of anger and hatred.  Warchild comes up behind her and Jamie just waves him off.  Warchild shrugs and sits back in the turnbuckle and waits.  Rage is laughing and leering at Jamie, egging her on. All of sudden Jamie winds up and kicks Rage right in the balls!  Rage slumps to the ground, screaming like a bitch.  Jamie continues kicking him in the head, face, and chest, not giving the big man time to move. He reaches for her leg and pulls her off balance, but she lands on her hands and racks Rage in the nuts again! Jamie motions Warchild over and Dustin picks the big man up.  She grabs him from behind, staggers over to the turnbuckle, and lifts him and her self off the third turnbuckle, completing a German suplex! She rolls out and waits for Rage to stand, then charges forward and nails Rage with a clothesline, sending him over the top and crashing to the floor.

Rage Eliminated by Jamie Langestraight via clothesline over the top

  Jamie takes one look at the four men in the ring, then just hops over the top ropes as Wayne, who has come over and Dustin stare at her in disbeleif. 

Jamie Langestraight Eliminated by herself via jumping over the top

Rothschild goes back to help Nate and Warchild starts to follow when BAM!  The Train just got nailed by a crutch!  It's Johnny Sledge!  Rothschild tumbles over the top and to the outside.   

Wayne Rothschild Eliminated by Johnny Sledge via crutch

Warchild picks up a fallen chair and nails the injured Johnny Sledge in the back of the head with it.  Sledge crumbles to the ground and Warchild goes up top, nailing Johnny with an Arabian Facebuster.  Meanwhile, Nate Walker and Rob Riot are in the opposite corner trading blows back and forth.  Riot sends Walker into the corner and nails him with a body splash.  OH GOD! Johnny Sledge just got tossed over the top ropes and onto the ring announcer by Dustin Warchild. 

Johnny Sledge eliminated by Dustin Warchild via throwing his ass out

Riot leaves Walker alone just for a moment and rushes over, pushing Warchild off the turnbuckle and out onto the floor.

Dustin Warchild eliminated by Rob Riot via pushing him to the floor off the turnbuckle.

Amy rushes out from the back to help Dustin as Nate Walker and Rob Riot meet in the middle of the ring and stare each other down, trading a few words unheard by anyone else but them.  Dustin and Amy stop halfway to the back to watch what happens.  All of a sudden Walker grins like a maniac and jumps over the top rope and onto the floor!  Dustin can not beleive it!  Riot Squad wins!

Winners: Riot Squad via Suviving

VP Artful: Well, I was going to head back tomorrow. There are a couple of other latte stands I didn't get to try last time.

Crystal: Oh... you're leaving? <slumps>

VP Artful: Only if you're coming with me...<growls seductively (again)>

Jim: He is?

Crystal: OoooH! <squeaks happily> OK!

Jim: Umm.. did anyone notice the match that we just had?

VP Artful: Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm back at work now. I just have a bit of "scouting" to do.

Jim: Capital Punishment just joined the RIOT SQUAD!!

Crystal: Of course...

VP Artful: I've been looking for just the right coffee to serve at the commitee meetings. That's why I left, you know.

Jim: HELLO!!! I'm here too yanno!!!

VP Artful: I didn't like the coffee

Crystal: If I may, I think maybe an almond mocha blend with just a hint of kahlua...

VP Artful: Oh, that would be nice, though I think Derek is alergic to kahlua.

Jim: Well shit... It's MAIN EVENT time people. Devastation Inc. takes on Death Row. Let's go to the ring.

Crystal: Hmmmm.... maybe brandy, but it wouldn't get the kick right...

Devastation Inc. Vs. Death Row

Announcer: Hello fans and get ready for the match that puts " X " in Extreme....what your about to see is gonna rank as one of the most gruesome matches in EWA history as well as the world.....Fans please dont approach the glass cage when the match starts...during the match this cage will get heated throughout the match causing it to be extremely hot at without further adue...FANS.....STABLE WARS 98 '

{{ The announcer calls for the glass cage to be lowered onto the two rings that are put together....There is a far door towards the entrance and as the cage lowers to the apron the workers fasten the cage and hook up the heating units that are wired all the way to the lower boiler room...making it as hot as 350 degrees at any given the last fasten is set the announcer stands out of the ring and starts his commentary....}}

Announcer: Fans....welcome to the EWA main event. This is a Stable  War match. The rules are as follows....The teams consist of 4 per team. The match starts with 2 from each team in the ring with another participant coming in every 2 minutes...making it as many as 4 on 1 at one time. During this the glass cage will bea heated up to add the extra taste of extreme....this will endure major punishment on the wreslter's body. There is only one the far end which will be locked by the ref after a wrestler enters allowing no entry before time allows. The only way to get a member out is by submission...There will be a mic in the center of the ring to ask the participants if they give up. By the end of the night only one stable will reign supreme between Devastation Inc. and Death LETS GET GOING........ First making his way to the ring, standing at 6'10" and weighing in at 330 lbs....from the stable Death row.....DRIFTER !!!.

{{ The music of " Riders of the Storm "  by the doors goes over the loud audio system and Drifter comes from behind the podium and makes his way down the ramp to a mixed reaction of boos and cheers.....Drifter is focused on the cage and makes his way around it checking for flaws and finally enters the ring. He bounces off many ropes before making his home in the corner of the second ring sitting on the top turnbuckle.}}

Announcer: Now making his way to the ring...standing at 6' 1" and weighing in at 225 lbs....from Devaststion Inc....CONNOR CHAMBERS !!!!!

{{ " Around the World " By Daft Punk start to play and Chambers makes his way out to also a mixed reveiw and raises his arms in the air and grasps his waist portraying that he will get his belt back....He goes to the ring and jumps right in standing in the first ring looking across the way at Drifter and the ref seals the door behind them and the bell rings..}}


Chambers slowly makes his way towards the the end of the first ring as Drifter hops off the buckle and advances towards him. The heat in the cage is lukewarm right now and very comfortable...Chambers starts to make the first step over into the second ring and Drifter runs towards the ropes and gives Chambers a LARIAT and sends him on his ass. Drifter dosent hesitate to jump on top of Chambers pummeling him with hard blows to his head. There is no love loss here fans !! Drifter gets up and spits in Chambers face and stomps him in the gut curling Chambers....Drifter picks Chambers up by the neck and Chambers is giving up a HUGE weight advantage here. He has Chambers over his head in a chokehold and Chambers is grasping at his throat and finally pokes Drifter in the eyes. Drifter shakes his head to clear his vision and Chambers runs at Drifter but is met with a EXTREME POWERSLAM...the ring shakes and Drifter gets up  and picks up Chambers again but this time Chambers delivers a LOWBLOW and sends Drifter to his knees in pain. Chambers starts to work at Drifter's head with a barrage of kicks and ................2 Minutes up.......Running down the ring is O.G. Johnson. He jumps in the ring and the ref seals it behind him. O.G. jumps over the set of ropes and leaps at Chambers knocking his head hard against the glass. O.G. starts to kick at Chambers and pumps his fists in the air and Drifter finally gets to his feet. Drifter see the chance and teams up with O.G. to deliver a double arm clothesline......Chambers almost flips out of his boots. Drifter picks up Chambers and gives him a backbreaker and holds him over his knee while O.G. climbs the top rope and nails Chambers with a legdrop. Drifter lets Chamebers fall and they celebrate....Chambers is taking some serious punishment here. O.G. picks Chambers lifeless body up and delivers a snap suplex to the wall of glass further injuring Chamber's back. O.G. picks him back up while Drifter goes for the mike....we might have one out already fans...while Drifter has his back turned...Chambers gives O.G. a frontface DDT !!!!!...O.G. is rolling around and flips over to reveal a Busted Nose...blood is all over the floor. Chambers runs at Drifter and taps him on the shoulder and gives Drifter a neckbreaker.....Drifter slumps to the ground in pain whil O.G. is still rolling around.....Chambers makes his way over to the laid out O.G. and picks him up and delivers a sharp forearm to the nose...driving it up more into his head.....2 Minutes is comes Chris Douglas.....followed
by a huge pop....We know he is hardcore, he is coming to this as well as the EWWF tourney. He climbs in the ring and immediatley goes after Drifter...they also have a good fued going....!! he starts to kick Drifter in the face and we actually see a tooth go flying to the other ring....The Glass cage is getting pretty warm now and we see the
wrestlers sweating purfuosly with easy matches. The inside in getting a little fogged up. Douglas is working over Drifter as Chambers beats on O.G. Douglas goes for th End of The Line but Drifter slips out cause of the sweat., But Douglas dosent stop kicking him..we can hear evey rib crack with each the the other end...We see that Chambers throws O.G. into the other ring and climbs in after him.....while he steps in O.G. tackles Chambers and drop kicks him into the glass making him hit hard again....a small cut has developed over his left a animal...O.G. attacks Chambers and bites at his head making Chambers kick and scream and O.G. spits peices of skin at the glass cage... Douglas sees this and runs into the other ring and picks O.G. up by his afro and delivers the CHI-TOWN-SHOCKER.......O.G. is down and barely moving. Drifter is on the other side slowly getting up but not before Chambers makes his way over and slams his head against the glass creating a small spiderweb crack.......2 minutes up............Running down the aisle is Chance Charles....he slip in and takes something out of his's a peice of barbed wire and slips it around O.G. throat while Douglas and Chambers continue to work over Drifter....Blood is coming out of O.G. throat and Charles lets him drop and wraps the wire around his fist and goes to Drifter who is helpless and pounds him in the head opening a cut.....Douglas goes to work on O.G. while Chambers holds Drifter up and Charles winds up and..........connects but with Chambers...Drifter ducked....Chambers is pouring blood from that cut. Charles is apologizing and Drifter takes the time to clothesline Charles. He picks him up and places him under his legs and POWERBOMB him to the mat and again the mat shakes.....Drifter picks up the barbes wire and heads towards a laughing Douglas who is kicking a helpless O.G. in the ass. Drifter taps his shoulder and lay into him lying Douglas to the ground. He gets on top of Douglas and starts to repeadtly beat him. Charles and Chambers get up and are met by a flying cross body by O.G. He is kicking both men and Drifter now has cut Douglas's abdomen. He picks up Douglas and places his stomach against the glass and smears the blood all over . And lets him fall....The glass is getting very hot now and the blood on the cage is starting to bubble. Drifter grabs Douglas and puts him in the END OF THE LINE !!!!!!!! OH my god....not again, this must be so embarrassing.....Douglas is screaming and Drifter is smiling and at the other side of the ring Charles and Chambers have got the odds in their favor as they pummel O.G. and Charles leaves to tend to Douglas and dropkicks Drifter right in the face sending his back against the hot glass burning him on the back. Drifter screams in pain and gets up and we see the skin peel off of his back and some stays on the cage........2 minutes up.....JD Freeman makes his way down and is escorted by Suicide King who is carrying the Extreme Championship Belt.....Freeman slides in with a chair in hand and wails on O.G. who was just starting to get up and Freeman then makes his was over to Drifter and now the odds are 4 on 2.....Douglas and Charles work over Drifter while Freeman and Chambers kicks the shit out of O.G. Freeman grabs the mic and makes his way over to O.G. and sets his leg in the chair and jumps on it...busting O.G.'s leg and he gets on his stomach and lays in front of O.G. whil Chambers holds him and asks him to


And with that O.G. spits in Freeman's face , Freeman shrugs his shoulders and tells Chambers to keep working on the leg......Freeman makes his way over to Drifter and sends Charles to work over O.G. and Douglas puts Drifter in a Cobra Clutch..........Freeman gets his chair and steps back and lines it up.......BANG !!!!!!!!!! chair shot to the
face of Drifter....Drifter is spitting up blood...Freeman bends down and asks for him to quit and stop this pain.....


Freeman again shrugs his shoulders and goes over to O.G. again.......2 minutes is up......down comes the big man Verge Darsow....he is met by Suicide King but Verge just picks him up and throws him into the glass cage causing a HUGE crack....He enters the ring and first goes over to Freeman who has his back turned and is getting ready for another chair shot on O.G. and Verge...snags the chair and Freeman turns in astonishment and Verge grabs Freeman by the throat and LOCKDOWN....slams him down to the ground......The WHOLE mat shakes...Freeman lay motionless....Charles and Chambers run at Verge and the are met by a set of hands and they both two get the LOCKDOWN...Douglas gets up behind Verge and gets the chair....Verge turns around and Douglas throws his
hands up in the air.....Verge grabs Douglas by the throat and picks him up.....Freeman cracks Verge in the back with the chair...Verge drops to his knees.....he tosses the chair to Douglas and Douglas cracks him over the back knocking the giant down to his knees.....Douglas goes to the ropes and runs at Verge with the chair and BANG!!!!!!!!!!! connects with a brutal hit........Verge slumps down...Douglas picks up his chair again and it is again snagged by Drifter who slams it against the face of Douglas and teeth go flying out of his mouth. Drifter drops the chair and drags Douglas to the glass and places his face against the now EXTREMELY hot glass.   A sizzle sound can be heard and the smell of burning flesh goes throughout the arena......Verge gets up and Charles and Chambers immediatley jump him......O.G. gets up and  grabs Freeman and delivers the slams him into the ground and goes on top for a hurricana......missed Freeman connects with a kick to the face......Verge powers his way up and grabs Charles and Chambers again and throws them to the other ring..................WAIT..........Suicide King just hit the ref with the belt and he jumps in....Suicide King grabs the chair and delivers a shot to the back of the head of Drifter......WAIT SOMEONE IS COMING OUT OF THE STANDS !!!!! he is a masked man...wait a black mask and is wearing a black jumpsuit...he jumps in and taps King and lays him out with a DDT !!!!!!!.......who is this man..he must be the mystery partner of D.R....he grabs a chair and cracks King over the back...he makes his way to Douglas and cracks him as well....Here comes Charles.....SMACK.....he is somes Chambers....he goes for a clothesline........the masked man ducks and SLAM !!!!!!!!!!!!against the head of Chambers...Freeman turns and see the mystery man and curses him off......While he makes his way towards the masked man...O.G. and Verge grab Freeman...he cant move.....The masked man helps up Drifter and is still weidling a chair.......2 minutes is comes Cyris...and he is hauling ass........the crowd is going nuts.......he jumps in the ring and stares at the masked man.....the man looks back and Cyris smiles and shakes his hand....The masked man tosses Cyris the chair and Cyris slowly makes his way to Freeman who is held by Verge, O.G. is against the ropes and Drifter is hanging on the ropes as well. The rest of D.I. look on in despair while their leader is in trouble.........could this be the end of JD FREEMAN....Cyris looks into Freeman's eyes and talks trash to him, Freeman spits in Cyris face and Cyris slaps Freeman sending him to his knees.......Cyris tells Verge to pick Freeman up. Cyris grabs the mic...

Cyris: Where is your surprise Freeman....where is MY TRAITOR !!!

Cyris takes the chair and holds it high in the air and let's it go with a thunderous swing...but Freeman ducks...........And cleverly Cyris if he anticipated it....he smiles at Verge and Verge smiles back......WHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Cyris just clocked Verge.....OH MY GOD .............CYRIS IS THE TRAITOR !!!!!!!!!! Verge falls right down and the masked man charges Cyris.........Cyris meets him with a chair shot sending the man to his back. He goes over to O.G, and WHAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!crushes him and makes his way over to a beat up and disgusted Drifter....Drifter spits at Cyris.....

Cyris: I carried your sorry ass ever since you joined D.R. You are nothing more than a homeless peice of SHIT !!!!!!!!....YOu have no idea what it is like to carry you sorry pussies......none of you deserve to be with me..........D.I. is the lone REAL talent and THE ONLY STABLE here in the EWA !!!!!!!!!!

With that Cyris smacks Drifter with the chair ..........WHACK !!!!!!!!!!!!! Freeman , Douglas, Chambers, Charles and Suicide King make their way up and laugh.............Cyris picks up O.G. and throws him into the HUGE crack..finally busting the shards fall everywhere ........Cyris makes his way over to Drifter and delivers the DEATH SENTENCE on a steel chair to his back.....Drifter is out. Douglas makes his way over to Verge and puts on the END OF THE LINE !!!!!!  and Verge passes out.........Freeman picks up the masked man and drops him on his head and Cyris then picks up the maskes man and gives him the DEATH SENTENCE !!!!!!!!....everyone is out.....Chambers grabs O.G. from the outside among the broken glass and throws him in the ring and applies a figure four leg lock to O.G's already broken leg.........O.G. screams in pain and he gives up...........Chambers lets go...and gets up....Freeman goes up to Cyris and gives him a D.I. tanktop.....and Suicide King takes out Cyris's gargoyle sunglasses from his back pocket and hands them over and Cyris puts both on and they all raise thier hands to his shocked yet ESTATIC crowd !!!!!!!!!....D.I. with the new aquisition of Cyris walks out to a victory !!!!!

Winner : Devastation Inc.....courtesy of Cyris turning on Death Row..........

VP Artful: I've found rubbing alcohol to be an acceptable substitute.

Jim: HOLY SHIT!!! Who would have thought that Cyris was the traitor all along?!?!?!?!

VP Artful: Did something important just happen?

Crystal: Oh, but hot oils just feel so... sexy against the skin...

Jim: He's now the newest member of Devastation Inc, taking the strength in that stable to new heights!!

Crystal: <looking at Jim> are you still here?

Jim: Well, I've actually been here all night...

Jim: You ready for the test?

Crystal: You have?!

Crystal: Why?

VP Artful: So, I guess that means the shows over, eh?

Jim: They didn't tell you that there was a test after the PPV?

VP Artful: Isn't it past your bed time, Jim?

Crystal: But... but... I'm not ready for a test!! <sniffs cutely>

Jim: To see how much you paid attention? That decides on whether you come to the next one.

VP Artful: Now the coffee in Bulgaria was quite tasty indeed.

Crystal: Oh, is it? I like belgian coffees...

Jim: Well, I guess that's Stable Wars folks. For VP Artful and Crystal Laine, I'm Jim Smith. Goodnight. WAIT!! JD Freeman, the World Champ, is still in the ring. I think he has something to say!!

(JD Freeman is still standing in the ring, mic in hand. He looks over the crowd with a sneer, before raising mic.)

Freeman: Did you people actually think this thing was over? OHH NOOO!!! I still have the absolute BIGGEST shocker, ready to be unveiled. Come on out boys...

(From behing the curtain, a group of men, stroll down to the ring. They are all dressed in Armani suits and carrying briefcases. On their faces, are smug looks. They reach the ring and enter, the first one shakes Freeman's hand and the two begin to speak in hushed tones. The mic barely picks up a few words that Freeman says, and it can barely be heard.)

Freeman: You sure there's no way they can get out of this?

(The man nods his head, enthusiastically and Freeman smiles before raising the mic once again.)

Freeman: Ok, looks like this party is about ready to begin, but we're still missing the guest of honor at this little gathering. Prez Aaron!!! Get your stinking carcas out here!!

(All eyes turn toward the entrance as Prez Aaron begins making his way to the ring. Freeman beckons him on with a smile on his face, adding to the confusion. Prez Aaron finally reaches the ring and enters warily. Freeman walks over to him with the mic in hand and addresses the Prez of the EWA.)

Freeman: Well, it's about time you got here! Listen, I have a couple of things to go over with you, regarding the status of my contract in the EWA.

Prez Aaron: What? You called me out here for THIS?! Listen Freeman, there's a proper time and place to negotiate contracts, and it's NOT here and now...

Freeman: You're wrong about that, Aaron...

Prez Araron: Excuse me, that's Prez Aaron to you.

Freeman: Whatever, Mr Cheatum if you please, give "Prez" Aaron the documents that we discussed.

(One of the suited up men, opens his briefcase and extracts a small stack of papers, which he hands over to Prez Aaron.)

Freeman: So tell me, do you recognize those papers?

Prez Aaron: Of course I do, this is your EWA contract.

Freeman: You're sure about that?

Prez Aaron: Of course I'm sure, I can read!!

Freeman: Good, then please do me a favor and take a look at section 8, subparagraph 1, item 3.

(Prez Aaron begins seaching through the documents for the proper location, though he's having a hard time reading it. One of the suits, brings a magnifying glass out of his briefcase and hands it to Prez Aaron. After about a minute and a half of reading, Prez Aaron's face goes pale.)

Freeman: Somehow, I thought you'd have that reaction... Well, I think this is long overdue, let's get it over with, shall we?

(Freeman holds the mic out toward Prez Aaron. He looks down at the mic as if it were some sort of alien device, before finally taking it into his hands. Prez Aaron looks over the crowd. The fans have not moved an inch, they sit in their seats, so quitet that you could hear a pin drop. Finally, Prez Aaron compses himself enough to speak, though his voice is not that of the authority that we have all grown accustomed to. This voice is slightly shaky, and it sounds as if he had just been slammed in the gut.)

Prez Aaron: Ladies and gentlemen... May I now introduce you... to the newest... Vice-President of the EWA... VP Freeman...

(A huge murmer goes through the crowd as VP Freeman raises his hands in the biggest victory he has ever had. Prez Aaron drops the mic and simply stands there in a state of shock as VP Freeman exits the ring with his lawyers and makes his way to the back. The camera pans back to show Prez Aaron still in the ring, a look of utter disbelief on his face...)


{Fade to Canary Yellow}

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