June 25, 2000...8:00 PM Eastern
Live from the Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York
Only On Pay-Per-View
Call Your Local Cable Company For Availability
(Card Subject To Change)

Commentators For Event:
Mike Slade (Face Commentator)
Vinnie "Da Mack" Martin (Heel Commentator)

***The camera pans around the arena as the crowd is on their feet cheering. Fireworks shoot off all around the building as "Blind" by Korn fills the arena. Mike Slade and Vinnie Martin walk out to a loud novation. Mike and Vinnie wave at the crowd as they take their seats at ringside. Both men put on their headsets and go to work***

SLADE: Wellllllcome everyone to NWWA "Slamfest 2000"!!!! Tonight fans....6 star-studded matches....NWWA titles on the line....and much much more.

MARTIN: That is right Mike...tonight the vacated International Title will be decided. Also the new NWWA Internet Title will be introduced into the fed as a battle royal will decide who walks home the first ever Internet Champ. What about the World Title match????

SLADE: 3-way dance....Awesome vs Hellwolf vs Tiger....high-flying, fast paced, high impact match there. Also I have heard that we have a special announcement from our own President Billy G and Vice President Curtis Smith. Can't wait to see what that will be either. Well fans we are set for our first match so let's go down to ringside....

Damien Watts vs Kid Chaos

WINNER OF THE MATCH: KID CHAOS after Watts hit him with a chair halfway through the match causing the DQ

Mike Studd vs Slash Payne

SLADE: Well fans here we go. In this bout Slash Payne will be taking on Mike Studd in an Asylum match. The winner is the one that either makes his opponent submit or succeeds in knocking out his opponent. The ref is standing on a platform around the top of the cage that is circular. The ref will only be there to call the match. Everything will be legal in these types of matches. The two men have been introduced and are entering the cage from their respective doors. Then the doors will be locked and only unlocked when there is a winner. And there is the bell and we�re underway. Slash and Studd Tie up and Slash gets the early advantage. He forces Studd into the wall of the cage and works the body with some stiff punches.

MARTIN: Slash whips Studd across the cage and Studd hits the cage face first. Many more shots like that and the so called Gods Gift To wrestling won�t be so pretty. Slash now following up comes over and drags Studd up. He goes to slam the head to the cage again but Studd blocks. Studd now in turn slams Slash�s head to the steel. Studd holds on and grabs the hair. He locks and plants Slash with a DDT. Studd gets to his feet and puts the boots to Slash�s ribs. Studd goes over and measures Slash. He comes in and drops the knee right to the side of the ribs. Studd goes down to a knee and grabs Slash�s head. He plants a knee against the spine and pulls back on the head. That has to hurt. He�s been pummeling those ribs and now that puts that much more pressure. The ref is asking Slash if he gives. Slash screaming no. Slash grabs the locked fingers of Studd and that brings a jerk backwards from Studd and Slash releases his fingers. Studd now pulling for all he�s worth. Slash in desperation now rolls over and takes that knee out of his back. Studd gets back to his feet and pulls Slash up with him. He goes to whip Slash into the ropes but Slash Reverses.

SLADE: Slash reverses and Studd hits the cage face first. That brings blood from Studd�s forehead. Studd staggers back and when he does Slash catches him with a samoan drop. Studd gets back to his feet and rolls Studd over to his stomach. Slash grabs the legs and rolls it up into an STF. The ref is over to ask if Studd wants to give it up. Studd is screaming no. Studd now pulling at Slashe's fingers and Slash pulls back even harder. Studd looks like he may be going out. The ref asks again and he still manages to get a no out. Slash now is straining to pull back. The ref asks again and he gets a delayed no from Studd. Slash releases the hold for some reason.

MARTIN: Easy my friend, While the STF is very painful to the opponent it also takes a lot out of you. Slash just got tiard himself. Slash now pulling Studd to his feet. Slash is climbing the cage with, Studd in Toe. He�s taking Studd up the cage to the platform the ref is standing on. He climbs to the top and pulls up Studd by his hair. The ref around to observe. Slash locks him and Dives off. Super Powerbomb. He plants Studd in the center of the ring. Studd is out. The ref isn�t even going to check. There is the bell lets go down for your official word.


Scott Credible / Nova / Destroyer / Crimson / Sid Smasher / Killerwolf

Sid Smasher


Killerwolf vs Scott Durden

SLADE: Here we go...Durden attacking Killerwolf as he climbed into the ring. You can see that hockey stick hanging high above the ring. Durden hammers away on Killerwolf and attempts to whip him into the barbwire but Killer reverses it but pulls Durden into a knee to the midsection. Killer takes Durden over to the corner and slams his head repeatedly into the turnbuckle. Killer whips Durden to the farside corner and charges in with a clothesline. Killer picks up Durden, puts Durden's face onto the barbwire, and rakes it down the ropes. The side of Durden's face is bleeding now from that rake. Killer whips Durden into the corner again. Killer charges in and tries for a splash but Durden counters and catches Killer with an atomic drop. Durden takes down Killer with a swinging neckbreaker. Durden slides under the ropes and tosses in a chair, a table, and the ladder. Durden climbs back in and simply stares down at Killerwolf.

MARTIN: This doesn't look good for Killerwolf at all. Durden takes the chair and jabs it in the gut of Killerwolf as he tries to get to his feet. Durden lifts the chair up to hit Killerwolf but Killer kicks Durden in the midsection. Durden attempts it again and again Killer kicks him in the midsection. Killer takes his forearm and smashes the chair right in the face of Durden as both men go down. Killerwolf goes outside and grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up. Killerwolf climbs up onto the apron as Durden gets to his feet. Killerwolf hooks Durden and delivers a suplex to Durden outside of the ring. Killerwolf sets Durden onto the table and pounds away on him. Killer enters the ring and sets up the ladder next to the ropes. Killer picks up the chair and climbs up to the top of the ladder. My lord I hope he isn't going to do what I think he is...he has got to be 30 feet above Durden on that ladder. Killerwolf leaps off the top of the ladder and delivers a legdrop with that chair onto Durden through the table.

SLADE: Listen to that crowd Vinnie...the "Holy Shit" chants are deafening. Neither man is moving Vinnie and this could mean some serious injury for both men here. Paramedics are wheeling out the two stretchers but what the hell....Killerwolf has pulled himself to his feet as the crowd is cheering him. Killer, holding his back and leg, limps to the ring and slides in. Killer staggers over and grabs the ladder. Killer sets it up in the center of the ring and slowly starts climbing it for that stick. Look at this shit Vinnie....Durden has now gotten to his feet and is entering the ring. Durden staggers over to the ladder and starts climbing the other side of it. Both men get to the top of the ladder and hammer away on each other. That ladder is shaking awful badly Vinnie.

MARTIN: I knew this match would be brutal Mike but both of these men are going to end up killing each other before the match ends....

SLADE: Oh my god Vinnie...the ladder just fell over and Durden head snapped back off that barbwired rope. Killer is on the crowd as he hit side first on that wire. His arm and side are bleeding from that fall. Killer gets to his feet and walks over to the corner. Killer grabs the other table and sets up up against the corner. Killer grabs the ladder and sets it up in the center of the ring. Killer picks up Durden and sets him up on the ladder. Killer climbs up behind Durden and Durden has climbed up the ladder some. Killer grabs Durden and hooks him. Killer attempts a belly-back suplex off the ladder but Durden twists his body and delivers a splash onto Killerwolf as both men go through the table. My god...what carnage we are seeing here in this match. Durden is up and grabs the chair and waits for Killerwolf to get to his feet. Durden charges at him with the chair but Killer ducks it. Killer attempts a kick to the midsection but Durden drops the chair and catches his foot. Durden spins around Killer, kicks him in the gut, hooks him for the Dysfunctional Society but Killer counters quickly by forcing Durden back into the barbwire.

MARTIN: Durden falls to the mat...his back bleeding now along with the side of his face. Killerwolf, his arm and side bleeding, picks up Durden and stomps away on him in the corner. Killer whips Durden into the corner and Durden hits chest first in the corner and staggers backwards out. Killer hooks Durden and delivers the Wolf Bite to him!!!! Durden is not moving and Killer is slow to get to his feet. Killer sets up the ladder and is slowly starting to climb it. Killer gets up midway up the ladder and Durden gets to his feet. Durden walks over and starts climbing up the other side of the ladder. Both men get to the top of the ladder and again hammer away on each other. Killer blocks Durden several times and nails him with right hands. Killer grabs Durden and slams him face first into the top of the ladder. Durden staggers back but hangs on. Killer grabs Durden and slams him head first again and again Durden hangs on. Killer does it a third time and Durden falls off the top of the ladder down to the mat. Killer hangs on after almost falling off. Killer reaches annnnnnnnnnd grabs the hockey stick as the ref calls for the bell. Killerwolf falls to the mat as the bell sounds to end the match.

MORRIS: Here is your winner.....KILLERWOLF!!!!

Gorilla vs Rambacklash

SLADE: Well fans here we go, This one promises to be a great one. Two great guys battling it out for the number 2 championship of the fed. The only one bigger is the world championship. Rambacklash has been really coming on as of late and Gorilla has the backing of the Backbreakers. So that should keep things pretty even. Both men are ready and there is the bell. Gorilla goes as Ram and ram gets the upperhand. He brings up some knees to the midsection then sends Gorilla to the ropes. Gorilla comes off and gets leveled with a clothesline.

MARTIN: Ram pulls Gorilla to his feet then puts him back down with a superkick to the jaw. Ram goes into the ropes and nails an Elbow drop. Ram back to his feet again goes outside. He climbs to the top rope and waits for Gorilla to get to his feet. Gorilla gets up and turns around. He catches a missile dropkick to the chin for his trouble. Gorilla back on the mat gets locked into a headlock from Ram. Ram now wrenching on the hold. The ref is there to check to assure that there is no choak hold. The ref checks the arm of Gorilla. He raises it once and it falls. Twice and it falls. Three times and he holds it there. Gorilla now getting back to his feet. Ram releases the hold early and hits the ropes. He comes off and nails a knee lift to the face of Gorilla.

SLADE: Gorilla needs to get his act together if he wants to win this title. Ram now puts some boots to the midsection of Gorilla. Ram hits the ropes again and comes off with a knee drop to the throat of Gorilla. Ram covers.......1.......2......Kickout. Ram getting a little frustrated drags a weary Gorilla to his feet. Ram hits the ropes again and nails a bulldog. He covers again......1.....2......Gorilla gets the foot on the ropes. Ram now is very frustrated and goes after the ref. Gorilla drags himself up and runs at Ram. He nails both men and the ref is out. Gorilla grabs Ram by arm and whips him to the turnbuckle. He follows him in and climbs up. He lays some stiff right hands to the right side of Rambacklash�s head. He gets down and Ram falls flat on his face. Gorilla drags him to the middle of the ring and hits the ropes. Gorilla hits a splash. He Rolls Ram over to his back and makes the cover. The ref is still out. The fans count 1......2......3......4.....Gorilla goes over to revive the ref. He shakes him several times. He grogily responds. Gorilla drags him over to Rambacklash�s body and makes another cover. The ref counts 1.......2........Kickout. That was the slowest count I�ve ever seen.

MARTIN: Give the ref a break. He�s still half out of it. Gorilla now pulls Ram to his feet. He presses him for a Gorilla press slam. NOOOO, It�s a Gorilla Drop. He drops Rambacklash flat on his head. He makes another cover 1......2......3. It�s all over folks. We have a new International Champion!!!!


Hellwolf vs White Tiger vs Joe E. Awesome

SLADE: Hellwolf and White Tiger quickly start it off double-teaming Awesome. Both men force Awesome back to the corner and stomp and hammer away on him. Hellwolf and Tiger pulls Awesome out and whips him to the ropes. Awesome comes off and is met with a double clothesline. Tiger goes out and climbs up to the top turnbuckle as Hellwolf picks up Awesome. Hellwolf plants Awesome on the mat with bodyslam and Tiger comes off with flying elbow drop to the chest. Tiger gets up and motions to the crowd. Hellwolf goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Hellwolf picks up Awesome and hammers away on him. Hellwolf runs into the ropes and comes off with a big boot to the face of Awesome. Awesome looks to be almost out of it here Vinnie.

MARTIN: Hellwolf picks up Awesome and motions to Tiger. Hellwolf picks up Awesome in a powerbomb and Tiger grabs Awesome in a neckbreaker at the same time. Tiger and Hellwolf stands as both men raise their hands as the crowd boos. Out of nowhere Hellwolf jerks Tiger at him and clotheslines Tiger to the mat. Hellwolf gets ontop of Tiger and hammers away on him with right hands. Hellwolf whips Tiger into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Tiger ducks and hits the opposite ropes. Tiger comes off and levels Hellwolf with a spinning heel kick. Tiger picks up Hellwolf and kicks him in the gut. Tiger runs into the ropes and attempts a bulldog on Hellwolf but Awesome levels Tiger with a clothesline. Awesome kicks Hellwolf and delivers a DDT to him on the mat. Awesome picks up Tiger and whips him into the farside corner. Awesome picks up Hellwolf and whips him into Tiger in the corner. Awesome runs in and delivers a splash in the corner. Both Hellwolf and Tiger fall to the mat.

SLADE: Awesome covers Tiger....1......2....kickout. Awesome is up and is met with a boot the midsection by Hellwolf. Hellwolf whips Awesome into the ropes and catches him with a Samoan drop. Tiger is up and gets nailed with a right hand to the face. Hellwolf whips Tiger into the ropes, gorilla presses him into the air, and drops Tiger onto his face. Hellwolf hooks Tiger and plants him with a T-bone suplex. Hellwolf nails Awesome with several right hands and sends him over the top rope. Hellwolf goes outside but Awesome nails him with right hands. Awesome takes Hellwolf and slams him face first into the guardrail. Awesome grabs a chair and pops Hellwolf over the head with it sending him to the ground. Awesome looks up as Tiger is out onto the ring apron. Tiger leaps up onto the second rope and executes an Asai Moonsault onto Awesome. Tiger picks up the chair and smacks Awesome over the back with it.

MARTIN: Tiger goes to pick up Hellwolf but Hellwolf catches him with a low blow. Hellwolf picks up the ringsteps and rams it into the face of Tiger. Hellwolf points out to the crowd as he reaches under the ring and pulls out a table. Hellwolf sets up the table and lays Tiger onto it. Hellwolf grabs Awesome and slams him face first into our announce table. Hellwolf lays Awesome ontop of Tiger and he climbs back into the ring. Hellwolf climbs up to the top turnbuckle as the crowd is on their feet. Hellwolf leaps off with a dive down onto Awesome and Tiger on that table. Good lord that had to kill Tiger who was on bottom. Hellwolf picks up Awesome and rolls him into the ring. Hellwolf, holding his side, climbs in behind him. Hellwolf whips Awesome into the ropes and catches him with a side slam. Hellwolf motions to the crowd for his finisher. Hellwolf picks up Awesome in the crucifix position but White Tiger comes off the top turnbuckle with a missile dropkick sending both Hellwolf and Awesome to the mat. Tiger covers Hellwolf....1.....2.....Awesome just makes the save. Tiger goes to punch Awesome but Awesome ducks, hooks Tiger, and plants him with a german suplex.

SLADE: Awesome hooks Tiger and applies the figure-four leglock to him. The ref right there in the action asking Tiger if he wants to give it up. Hellwolf is up now, drifts into the ropes, and drops the big leg onto Awesome. Hellwolf picks up Awesome and both men trade blows. Tiger is up now as well in the corner. Hellwolf blocks an Awesome right hand and headbutts Awesome. Hellwolf grabs Awesome by the tights and whips him into the ref as both men crack heads together. Tiger runs and nails Hellwolf with a clothesline sending him over the top rope to the floor. Tiger turns as Awesome attempts to clothesline him but Tiger ducks it. Awesome kicks Tiger in the midsection and delivers a double-underhook suplex. Awesome runs and leaps over the top rope onto Hellwolf. Awesome slides back into the ring. Tiger rakes the eyes of Awesome and levels him with a right hand. Tiger goes outside and grabs a chair and enters the ring. Tiger looks like he is going to nail Awesome with it. What the hell...Jaymac has just run out and slid into the ring. Jaymac takes the chair from Tiger. Both men stare down each other as Jaymac helps up Awesome to his feet. Jaymac walks towards Tiger with that chair....WHAT THE HELL!!!! Jaymac just turned and planted that chair over the head of Joe E. Awesome. Tiger and Jaymac embrace as the crowd is booing. Tiger walks over to pin Awesome when Jaymac nails Tiger over the back of the head with the chair. Jaymac tosses the chair out, exits the ring, and slowly walks to the lockerroom area. Hellwolf slides into the ring, crawls over, and covers Joe Awesome....1.......2.........3. Hellwolf has won it!!!! Hellwolf has retained his World Heavyweight Title!!!!

MORRIS: Here is your winner and STILLLLL NWWA World Heavyweight Champion....HELLWOLF!!!!

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