
Click here to hear Hychatcha's Theme

Entrance Theme: "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 216 lbs.

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

10 Favorite Moves:
1. Sitdown Powerbomb
2. DDT
3. Spinning Heel Kick
4. Texas Cloverleaf
5. Hurricanrana
6. Side Russian Legsweep
7. Springboard Legdrop
8. Bronco Buster
9. Crossface Chickenwing Submission
10. Fameasser off the Top Turnbuckle

Finisher: The Widowmaker

Finisher Description: Senton Bomb off the Top Turnbuckle

Heel, Face, or Tweener: Face

Wrestler Description: Ever since Hychatcha returned to his roots, he has been a changed man. He dumped his cowboy attire, and now comes to the ring in a black trenchcoat and black jeans, and instead of his guitar he has a baseball bat. He now has a dark outlook on life and is always in the shadows. He has long black hair and does not wear a mask. He is one of the top cruisers in wrestling.

Manager Name: N/A

Male or Female: N/A

Will Manager Interfere in matches: N/A

Manager Description: N/A 1

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