White Tiger

Click here to hear White Tiger's Theme

Entrance Theme: "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 230 lbs.

Hometown: Parts Unknown

10 Favorite Moves:
1. Snap Elbow Drop
2. Front-face Slam
3. Hurricanrana
4. Boston Crab
5. Bronco Buster
6. Double-arm Suplex
7. Falling Neckbreaker
8. Inverted DDT
9. Frankensteiner
10. European Uppercut

Finisher: Tiger Bite

Finisher Description: Gorilla Press into a DDT

Heel, Face, or Neutral: Heel

Wrestler Description: White Tiger dresses in the attire similar to The Rock's. He has dark hair, goatee, and a tatoo on his forearm of a white tiger.

Manager (if any): Tigress

Male or Female: Female

Will Manager Interfere in matches: Yes

Manager Description: She is 5'6" with dark hair, super model looks and dresses in a white tiger leotard. She likes to show her puppies. 1
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