"Hardcore Pimp Daddy"
Scott Credible

Click to hear Scott Credible's Theme

Entrance Theme: "Cowboys From Hell" by Pantera

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 245 lbs.

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

10 Favorite Moves:
1. Gorilla Press Slam
2. Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker
3. Belly-belly Suplex
4. Over-head Belly-belly Suplex
5. Double-underhook Powerbomb
6. Superkick
7. Missile Dropkick
8. Russian Legsweep
9. Tombstone Piledriver
10. Drop Toe Hold

Finisher: Credible Recliner

Finisher Description: Camel Clutch

Heel, Face, or Tweener: Heel

Wrestler Description: Credible has an average body build and is bald-headed. Credible comes to the ring carrying a cane and wears blue jean shorts with a picture of the Pimp Daddy on the butt and a superman symbol on the front. Credible thinks he is a pure badass and he is better then everyone else and refers to women as hoochies. Credible also loves to speak in third person.

Manager Name: Trish Marie

Male or Female: Female

Will Manager Interfere in matches: No

Manager Description: Trish Marie has brown hair, medium height, tan skin, and a gorgeous body. She cheers Scott for every move he does and she cheers him on when he is in trouble. She usually wears mini skirts, skimpy tops, and high heels to the ring. She also holds Scott's singapore cane for him. She usually taunts the fans when they give Scott heat. 1
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