
Click to hear Crimson's Theme

Entrance Theme: "My Own Summer (Shove It)" by The Deftones

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 245 lbs.

Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

10 Favorite Moves:
1. Brainbuster
2. Hangman's DDT
3. Belly-belly Suplex
4. Reverse DDT
5. Dragon Suplex
6. Sidewalk Slam
7. Falling Neckbreaker
8. Throat Thrust
9. Russian Legsweep
10. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker

Finisher: Emerald Fusion

Finisher Description: Sitdown Tombstone Piledriver

Heel, Face, or Tweener: Heel

Wrestler Description: Crimson has long red hair with a black goatee. He has a muscular build, wears no shirt in the ring, but to the ring he wears a red leather trench coat. He also wears a black elbow pad on his right arm, tattoo of a cross on his left arm, tape around his wrist, with black cut off gloves. He wears either red, black, green or white cargo pants and black boots.

Manager Name: N/A

Male or Female: N/A

Will Manager Interfere in matches: N/A

Manager Description: N/A 1
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