
Click to hear Hellwolf's Theme

Entrance Theme: "Sad but True" by Metallica

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 330 lbs.

Hometown: Depths of Hell

10 Favorite Moves:
1. Flying Clothesline off the Top Turnbuckle
2. Sit-down Powerbomb off Top Turnbuckle
3. Sidewalk Slam
4. Tazmission Plex
5. Death Valley Driver
6. Chokeslam
7. Big Boot to the Face
8. Tombstone Piledriver
9. Walk on the Rope Forearm Smash
10. Double-underhook Backbreaker

Finisher: Gates of Hell

Finisher Description: Jackknife Powerbomb

Heel, Face, or Tweener: Neutral

Wrestler Description: Hellwolf has short black hair with red streaks in it. He is wears a pair of black leather pants with Hellwolf written up the legs. He wears a black leather trench coat, no shirt, and red Killer Loop sunglasses.

Manager Name: Fyre

Male or Female: Female

Will Manager Interfere in Matches: Yes

Manager Description: Fyre is a cross between Chyna and Asya but she has the attitude of Francine. She comes to the ring wearing alot of black leather like Chyna does. 1
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