"The Awesome One"
Joe E. Awesome

Click to hear Joe E. Awesome's Theme

Entrance Theme: "Devil's Dance" by Metallica

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 260 lbs.

Hometown: Hollywood, California

10 Favorite Moves:
1. Frog Splash
2. Cradle Piledriver
3. Figure Four Leglock
4. Hurricanrana
5. Brainbuster
6. Tornado DDT
7. Powerbomb
8. Snap Suplex
9. Tilt-a-Whirl Slam
10. Inverted Atomic Drop

Finisher: The Awesomer / Awesomesault

Finisher Description: Awesomer - Leaping Leg Drop (Fameasser) / Awesomesault - Buff Blockbuster

Heel, Face, or Tweener: Heel

Wrestler Description: Gimmick: Joe E. Awesome is a cocky individual who thinks that he has no equal. He believes that he simply is awesome. He puts down the crowds he wrestles in front of, the wrestlers he faces, and pretty much anybody who isn't associated with. He is accompanied to the ring by his business manager Mr. Davis, and has been known to form a stable known as The Awesome Alliance. Awesome calls his fans Awesomeaholics. He May bring other wrestlers to form group.

Non- Wrestling Appearance: Joe E. Awesome is decked out in expensive designer suits, usually ranging anywhere from $2000 or more. He wears expenive sunglasses (usually a $500 pair), and a Rolex to finsih the look.

Wrestling Attire: Joe E. Awesome wears a pair of black tights and a red and black tank top (similar to that of what Vader wears). He wears black boots, and a black elbow pad on his right arm (much like Hardcore Holly).

Manager Name: Mr. Davis

Male or Female: Male

Will Manager Interfere in Matches: Yes

Manager Description: Mr. Davis wears similar to Awesome, but no glasses, and carries a wooden cane (which can be used in a match). His gimmick is that he is Mr. Awesome's business manager and is rather quiet, Awesome does most of the talking. Davis talks sometimes, not often though. 1

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