Original Brazillian

Click to hear OBBS's Theme

Entrance Theme: "Enter Sandman" by Metallica

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 326 lbs.

Hometown: The Brazillian Jungle

10 Favorite Moves:
1. Chokeslam
2. Powerbomb
3. Belly-belly Suplex
4. Flying Lariat
5. Mounted Punches
6. Gorilla Press into a Powerslam
7. Anklelock Submission
8. Big Boot to the Face
9. Shoulderbreaker
10. Brainbuster into a DDT

Finisher: Ballshag

Finisher Description: OBBS grabs opponent by his legs and starts swinging him in circles scrapping the opponents head on the mat until he submits from the mat burn.

Heel, Face, or Tweener: Tweener

Wrestler Description: The OBBS is a huge man with unbelievable strength and power. He comes to the ring wearing just shorts, no shoes, no shirt, unless its a hardcore match. OBBS is also extremely hardcore. Most people are afraid of his power and of his psychotic behavior. His finisher, the Ballshag, is one of the most painful moves in wrestling today.

Manager Name: N/A

Male or Female: N/A

Will Manager Interfere in Matches: N/A

Manager Description: N/A 1

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