Sid Smasher

Click to hear Sid Smasher's Theme

Entrance Theme: "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails

Height: 7'1"

Weight: 341 lbs.

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

10 Favorite Moves:
1. Eye Rake
2. Clothesline
3. Low Blow
4. DDT
5. Powerslam
6. Chokeslam
7. Big Boot to the Face
8. Elbow Drop
9. Headbutt
10. Choke Toss

Finisher: Sid Bomb

Finisher Description: Jackknife Powerbomb

Heel, Face, or Tweener: Heel

Wrestler Description: Sid wears black wrestling trunks, a black vest (when making his entrance). He has short blonde curly frizzed hair (Sid Vicious hair) and is hairy. He is a psycho that has been to a mental hospital twice. He gets aggravated easily and goes psycho and wild when he gets aggravated. He destroys anything that gets in his path.

Manager Name: Death Mission

Male or Female: Male

Will Manager Interfere in matches: Yes

Manager Description: Mission wears a black leather jacket and black leather biker pants. He looks like a biker as he has long black hair and has a scar on his left cheek. Death Mission is a badass biker that kicks ass and takes names of the people who mess with Sid Smasher. 1
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