1. ROLEPLAY!!!!! This is perhaps the most important thing to do in order to win. The amount you roleplay and the quality of the roleplay is how we decide who wins the matches. Whoever out roleplays the other wrestler wins. Simple as that.

2. There is now a thing in the NWWA called a PUSH. A push is known as a thing that boosts your wrestlers chances to win the match. Of course, major pushes come from the roleplays, but other small pushes come from attacks you send in and interviews you do on a show. Read the "Attacks and Interviews Section" for more info on the pushes.

3. There will be no racial, religious, or personal attacks to anyone in any of the roleplays. If I see that someone is doing this, they will be kicked out of the NWWA, no exceptions.

4. Don't not cry or whine if you lose. Instead of crying to everyone, rebound and win the next match. If you would like to know why you lost, email me and I will tell you instead of going into the guestbook and complaining.

5. There will be absolutely no attacking the prez in roleplays unless you email me and it is part of your gimmick or plan and I approve of it. If this happens without my approval, you will be warned then kicked out.

6. There will be no attacking other wrestlers in your roleplay. If this happens, you will be warned then kicked out.

7. No using other wrestlers in your roleplays. For example..if you control Hulk Hogan, then you cannot have Bret Hart speaking in your roleplays UNLESS you control that wrestler. Failure to obey this rule will result in your roleplay not counting towards you matches. If it continues, you will be warned and possibly released from your NWWA contract.

8. You are allowed to use language like damn, fuck, shit, whatever but....DO NOT GET CARRIED AWAY WITH IT. The WWF and WCW doesn't do it that much, and if it does happen....it will more than likely not help your chances in winning matches.

9. Most importantly, have fun!!!! 1
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