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Bloomfield Road home of BLACKPOOL FC

General Info: 01253 404331

Web Site | Description | How to Get There | Pubs | Best thing about | Best Games | Prices

Bloomfield Road dodgy aerial photo!

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You probably know that Blackpool under the stewardship of jailed owner Owen Oyston (I dare say no more because he likes suing folk) have been about to move to a super new purpose built arena/hotel/sliding roof/sliding changing room all singing and dancing stadium for years. This is the reason given why the existing ground has never been improved. Well they still haven't got any further than the balso wood models of the new stadium and surprise, surprise the old ground still hasn't been improved - and I'm sorry to say it's crap.

There is one decent(ish) stand behind one goal with elegant stairways between the upper tier and the lower tier, nicely painted in orange, and a pretty noisy enclosure when full of Blackpool fans. Apart from that, at the other end is a really shoddy Kop, two-thirds of which is closed permanently, and on either side are two shed like stands, one you can sit in and one you have to stand in.

I'm sorry to slag this ground off so much but it's true, in fact when I visited in 1995 you could still see painted on the walls at one end the price of admission in pounds, shillings and pence. But don't despair! Read on and find out what is so good about Blackpool FC!


Surely the best ground in the country to get to, get on the M55 (usually deserted for most of the footy season) and follow the signs for Blackpool, so easy.

Car Parking;This is it if you come by car, it has a huuuuge car park with more spaces than fans right next to the ground.


The front is to far away, just walk from the car park towards the sea, and you'll soon find yourself in the midst of guest houses, fish and chip shops and of course pubs.


I would say easy of getting there and the biggest car park in the world - but no there's something even better! Yes, Blackpool FC's kit, worth the admission fee alone orange shirts, almost a reason to support Blackpool on its own.


The Burnley game is a bit of bad tempered derby.

Page Last Update 27th December 1996 - Any mistakes/comments? Get in touch: Andrew Thomas.

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