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The City Ground home of NOTTINGHAM FOREST FC

Ticket Office: 0115 9526003 | Match Information: 0115 9526016 | Credit Card Line: 0115 9526024

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The City Ground: Forest vs. Bayern Munich 1996 (A bit dodgy on the join - sorry!)

Best Web Site: Nottingham Forest Supporters Home Page Fair but improving



This stadium has come on leaps and bounds in the last couple of years. From the outside the first thing you might see is the new Bridgford End stand, built in 1994, its stylish cantilevered roof arcing round to join up with the Executive stand. Strangely, the upper tier only reaches about two-thirds of the way across the stand. The top tier is for home fans, whereas the bottom tier is for away fans - always an interesting situation. Opposite is the new Trent End stand, built in readiness for Euro '96. It has two tiers split with the usual line of executive boxes and is finished off with an enormous Forest tree logo on the side. It's hard to believe just how near the river it actually is, it looks as though it could actually slip away into the Trent at any moment.

To the right of the Bridgford End is the fifteen year old, although still looking as good as new, Executive stand. It has Forest spelt out in its upper tier, and is also divided by a row of executive boxes. Opposite is the "Main" stand. Perhaps this was worthy of that title at one time, many years ago, but in the company of its resplendent neighbours this stand looks just what it is, a large covered shed! It has bright, new red seats in it, but they can't disguise the fact that its downmarket appearance blights what otherwise would be an excellent stadium.



The Bridgford End stand, the arch looks great from the inside, and the space station like cantilever construction on the outside looks even better.


No Premiership games, so not the best opposition next season. Maybe Wolves, they always take alot of away support.


1996/7: 18 or 20 pounds

Page last updated 25th June 1997- Any mistakes/comments? Get in touch: Andrew Thomas.

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