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Villa Park home of ASTON VILLA FC

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View of Holte End:Aston Villa vs. Liverpool May 1995.


Other Sites: CarlingNet
  The Sky page


A great ground, and Ithink the best FACup semi-final ground. With the new all-seater Holte End Villa Park has a capacity of over 40,000 and was one of the main stadiums for Euro '96. The away fans are situated in the lower tier of the North Stand, behind the goal. This is a huge stand, with two rows of dark glassed, executive boxes and a vast bank of seats above. The roof is supported by posts on either side, the goalpost style construction.This stand used to dominate Villa Park, but now there are equaly giant two-tiered stands at the Holte End and on the Witton Lane side.

The Holte End itself, at first glance, is reminiscent of the new North Bank at Highbury, but it's not quite as classy as that. The brickwork has been designed to be in keeping with the 1920s lines of the old Trinity Road Stand. Unfortunately,I think this looks ostentatious and fussy as Iprefer modern clean lines, though there's no doubt from inside the ground it does look imposing, especially when the two tiers are packed with fans, together with flags draped over the divide between the tiers.

To the right of the Holte End is the Doug Ellis Stand, named after Villa's current chairman, and there it is right in the middle of the roof fascia, the words, 'The Doug Ellis Stand'. He must get some kind of kick out of seeing his name up there every time he takes his seat in the directors' box opposite. The stand itself is a standard, two tiers split by a line of executive boxes, modern development, impressive, with simple lines and a wonderful sight when full.

Finally, opposite is all that remains of the old Villa Park, the seventy or so year old Trinity Road Stand.It has it's fair slice of character.The balcony style front to the upper tier is meticulously painted in claret with light blue trim, and every one of the numerous supporting posts are adorned in the club colours as well. As a finishing touch, towards the back, you can still make out the original round windows. It's only let down by the fact that the wide cable, with the club lion painted on it, is partially hidden by a line of tatty and unsightly advertising boards that run along the length of the roof. Surely this sacrifice wasn't necessary.


From M6 junction 6 ("Spaghetti Junction"), take Aston Expressway A38(M), towards city centre. Leave at first exit, approx 0.5 miles (0.8 kms) from M6, (Park Circus). At traffic island turn right (Victoria Road). Take first right (approx. 200 yards) Bevington Road, take third right after approx 0.25 miles (0.4 kms), Trinity Road. Villa Park is ahead on left.

From South Birmingham take the A34 (Stratford Road), and follow into and through city centre, to junction with B4140, Witton Road, signed "Witton" approx 1.5 miles after city centre, after approx 0.25 miles turn right into Trinity Road for Villa Park ahead.

Parking:There is parking here and there like in schools according to the Villa page, I've always managed to find street parking pretty nearby, so if I've done it, it shouldn't be too difficult.


The best thing about Villa Park is undoubtedly getting to go there for an FACup Semi-Final when the sun always seems to shine and the stadium is full (FAticket pricing policy permitting) - Villa fans never get to do this, but at least they get to go every other week.


The big ones:Man. United,Liverpool and Newcastle I would think.


1996/7: 13-17 Pounds


Page last updated: 4th July 1997. Any mistakes/comments? Get in touch: Andrew Thomas.

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