vs. Los Angelos / St. Louis Rams
                       Rushing Stats Receiving Stats
Date Att Yrds Avg Lng TD Rec Yrds Avg Lng TD
11/18/90 21 54 2.3 12 0 4 117 29.3 57 0
11/15/92 19 80 4.2 29 1 2 8 4.0 5 0
9/29/02 13 58 4.5 30 0 1 8 8.0 8 0
9/28/03 12 25 2.1 7 1 0 0 0.0 0 0
9/12/04 16 87 5.4 15 1 0 0 0.0 0 0
83 304 3.7 30 3 7 133 19.0 57 0
(* indicates playoffs, Bold represents HOME games, and red = Stats w/Arizona Cardinals.)
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