vs. Pittsburgh Steelers
                       Rushing Stats Receiving Stats
Date Att Yrds Avg Lng TD Rec Yrds Avg Lng TD
11/28/91 32 109 3.4 14 1 3 19 6.3 10 0
9/4/94 31 171 5.5 46 1 3 3 1.0 3 0
8/31/97 26 69 2.7 9 0 3 25 8.3 12 0
Reg Total
89 349 3.9 46 2 9 47 5.2 12 0
**1/28/96 18 49 2.7 23 2 1 3 3.0 3 0
107 398 3.7 46 4 10 50 5.0 12 0
(** indicates Super Bowl and Bold represents HOME games)

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