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This page is designed for all ancient coin enthusiasts. I hope to be of as much help as possible to help you get underway on your coin collections. But being a beginner myself, there isn't much that I can tell you from experience. So I have found some other quality coin pages and have put links to them so you can find out even more about his fun and exciting hobby.


In the short time that I have been collecting ancient coins, I have noticed that there is an extremely large variety of types of ancient coins. They can vary from anywhere to ancient Roman, Greek, Persian, Chinese among others. So before you get started, you should pick which civilization's coins you want to collect the most.

After you have decided which ancient civilization's coins you want the most, then you should focus on a cerain type of coin. Each emperor made a variety of coins, varying in size and material. You should pic which type of coins you like best before you invest any money into them. (I personally find silver and copper the most attractive because of their color.)

After you have narrowed your field of choice down, get started buying. First, buy some $10-$20 (the price sometimes seems a bit steep for a coin, but then you have to ask yourself what else could you buy that is a thousand or more years old?) coins to see if this hobby is for you, because you have to be willing to spend a bit if you want to pursue it actively. Then go out and buy a magnifier. I find that this is a great tool to help you appreciate the coin even more. Just get a 16 to 20 time magnification piece. That's really all you need. The magnifiers let you see all of the little details that are in the coins designs and features. I find it to be a worthwhile invesment.

Lastly, buy some cheap, plastic display cases for your coins. There is no point in collecting them if you, as well as others cannot appreciate them. That's the beauty of ancient coins. You get to own a piece of history. You get to touch it, and show it to other people. By the way, don't be afraid to touch them a bit. They're not like modern coins that get worn down easily. They have already lasted hundreds of years and still remain in good condition. But that doesn't mean you can rub them all the time!

As I said earlier, I don't know everything about ancient coins, but lots of other people do. So here are some pages to visit that will help you better understand ancient coins.

A great page for info on different gradings of coins
Click here for info on buying ancient coins

Don't forget to send away for free catalogs as well as other subscription catalogs to help you buy some good quality coins.

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