The Leukemia Society

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Hi, I am adding this section to see if I can encourage some of you to help make another persons' life a little better. My name is ADP, and I was diagnosed with T-cell leukemia in August of 1999. I am only 18, but because of my age and the type of cancer I have, I was considered a high risk patient. All of this happened in a matter of a few days and I received the finaly diagnostic on my very first day of college. That had to be some of the worst news I ever recevied.

Well, this story has a happy ending so far. I am in remission, and am on my way to full recovery. All of this is thanks to the research and development of chemotherapy drugs over the past few years. But chemo is still not a perfect treatment. It may be effective and have a high rate of curing, but there are many negative side effects that could possibly lead to other types of cancer, and cause other problems later on in life. Because of this, it is essential that we continue to research new drugs to treat leukemia. So please click on the link below and see what you can do to help someone later on in life live a better one.


The Leukemia Society of America

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