Hi, My name is Dan and and I'm sort of new at all this stuff so I hope everyone will be patient while I build this index page.
I live in Erie, Pennsylvania, a nice little town nestled along Lake Erie between the Ohio and the New York state lines. As I go along, I'll put up some links so you can learn about my home town.For the time being, I would like to send you along to a little page I made myself which concerns a social issue we don't hear much about in our press. Head over to Anthony's Home Page and see what I mean.
The Internet is full of interesting things, so I'll provide a few links to places I go often.
My job occupies a great deal of my time, and I like to keep up with happenings in the trucking industry. Also I subscribe to a well known publication,best known to the public for it's annual worst roads survey.Take a look at it!
Safety is a concern to me, as well as any commercial driver. One place I like to go before each trip will tell me what to expect when I arrive at my destination, at least as far as mother nature is concerned. I've found a couple of radio stations you should check out. If you're out late at night, you might find this interesting. The show is on just about everywhere.
When I am at home, I enjoy various projects, and I find this site very helpful when I have one of those complicated chores to do.
Here's a little bit of inspiration I found along the way.Maybe I'll put something new here from time to time.
ATTENTION DADS! Is there a divorce in your future? If so, you may need this book!
Last, but not least, check out some of my favorite search engines (just click the picture and go!):


Here is all my vital info :
Dan Quirk
E-mail me at [email protected]
2314 Border Dr.
Erie, PA 16506
United States
Occupation: Commercial Driver
Marital Status: Married

A Women For Fatherhood, Fatherhood Friendly Site

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Thanks for stopping by. I think I'll look around for more things to put here.

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