Here are some screen captures I have gotten of Mick from various episodes and sources. These pictures on this page all belong to me and I would appreciate it if you didn't steal 'em! Come on folks it took a long time for me to get these! How hard is it just to give me credit and a little link huh? So if you are going to use any of them please give me credit or a link to my site, thanks! ;) Enjoy!

My Encounter With Micky aka My Aida Pics

My brother and I before going into the Micky in character in the I know, I know flash photography and the chewing of gum is strictly prohibited! But I just couldn't miss this photo op! I figured since the play was over and the cast was bowing I'd steal a quick pic of Micky for my memories . . . unfortunately *smacks self on head* I forgot to put the zoom on! What can ya do. . . I was trying to be quick about it and not be too obvious. . . The playbill for
My brother had gotten the kind hearted Micky D to autograph his playbill! A drawing of Micky as Micky inspecting my drawing for workmanship before putting his signature on it! Lol! JK! He actually was admiring my talent as he was blown away by it . . . that and the fact that I had done the drawing just the night before and completed it in a moving vehicle! Thank you my darling! Micky said to me as he returns my sketch book with his newly added autograph! *Sighs*
I don't think I was looking! Take another! Micky told my extremely excited and speechless Mom! ( I had never seen my Mom this way before! We saw Peter and she never reacted this way . . . although Micky was her fav and Pete she wasn't too fond of. . . She was squealing with delight and had a perm-a-grin across her face! Plus she was a bit trigger happy with the camera, which isn't a bad thing! How can I blame her she was a first gen fan and she got me the tickets, and drove me out to see him) I think Micky must've known that I had closed my eyes! Lol! Good thing too! He was such a pleasant, understanding, patient guy! Wow! A Monkees reunion! Micky, Peter, and Davy together again! in NYC! Who woulda thunk it?! Is it just me or did Davy grew and Peter shrunk and became extremely afeminant?! ROFL! JK! A little joke we had! Since we were with Micky, I had just gotten my hair cut like Pete's for graduation, and my brother does great impressions of Davy. . .unfortunately my Dad made him lose the

Alright you dirty rat!  Your the rat that killed my brother! Hrmmm! You'll never take me alive coppa' 'cause I got ya whistle, see?! Woohooo!!!!!!! Yippee!
Hey Babe! What's happening? Hey man I'm reading next weeks script!  I'm trying not to give it away! Please welcome the hardest working man in show buisness, Micky James Brown Dolenz!

Floatin' down the river with a saturated liver. . .

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