Monkees Desktop Backgrounds, Buddy Icons, and AIM Expressions:

I have been searching the web all over for some good Monkees backgrounds, AIM Buddy Icons, and AIM Expressions. . but alas I hadn't had any luck :(. So what do you do when the world gives you lemons. . . you make lemonade! So I went and searched for a website where you can create your own icons and expressions! So here with no further ado I present to you what I have compiled so far for your IMing and computing pleasure! EXPRESS YOURSELF! Enjoy!

Desktop Backgrounds:
*Click on the thumbnail to see the larger version of it and then to right click to set as your desktop's background

All of these expressions come with icons and work with Yahoo! Messanger Accounts as well!

For my fellow Torkaholics!
*Click Here for My Peter Tork Love AIM Expression! the images used were all taken from
For my fellow Midget Greenies!
Click Here for Davy Jones AIM Expression
For my fellow Mijacogeos!
Click Here for Micky Dolenz AIM Expression
If you're like me and can't deicde on a favorite Monkee then this one is for you!
*Click Here for the Monkees! AIM Expression
For those of you who are Monkee and Beatle fans this expression is for you!
*Click Here for the Monkees and Beatles AIM Expression

More expressions to come! I'll be making a few new ones soon! i.e. for Mike.

AIM and Live Journal Icons:
here are some AIM and LJ icons which I have created! Yea! So enjoy!

Live Journal Icons

the Mike Clap! Me fav Monkees together at last! And now for all you M&M fans. . . Dance Monkees, DANCE!
the Mike Clap, a term I pretty much came up with! Lol! You can see where its from! ;) This is an icon of my 2 fav Monkees! Together at last! Yea! I use this icon for my LJ! ;) The second icon I put together at the time I was thinking of the M&M fans, lol! Lol! This was a quick one I threw together, but I still think its pretty groovy!
Monkee Men to the rescue! And I feel. . .
One of my favs the Monkee MEN! I wish they did more eppies with the Monkee Men I felt they were totally groovy! Now for you all Petah fans one of my fav Petah solo songs "Milkshake"!

AIM Icons
*Tarzan Yell* Aaaaaaahhhhh! Awww. . . at least the effort was there! I'm a cowboy Davy! Anyone for Monkees Croquet?  How fun!
One of my fav parts! Lol! When Petah swings on the rope like Tarzan! *Sighs* Another of my fav parts, when he's in the water how cute! ;) He's a cowboy. . .Davy! Hey! Anyone wanna play Monkee Croquet? Looks like fun! ;)
All memebers of the Fantastic Four! lol! Surprise!
All 4 of the fab members in season 2! Wow! I didn't know Petah had a green thumb I guess he didn't know either!

If any of these icons do not work for any reason e-mail me ASAP and I will fix them for ya! Thanks!

For more groovy LJ and AIM Icons be sure to check out this groovy site!

Click for Long Title!

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