Like what you see? If ya wanna create a link to my site just feel free to save the banner above and link it to this address @ And if not. . . well thats cool too. . .(Please! Pretty please! I'm begging you put a link to my site! What will putting a little one hurt? Its all I've got! *sobs* *comes to senses* Okay so maybe that's a little over the top. . .)

First, I'd like to thank and give credit to all the little people that helped me out in one way or another. With out them this site would be a total piece of *Monkees censor sound*!

A really outasite site is Psycho-Jello (Which can be accessed here)! You'll never look at the Monkees the same way again! With interesting facts, info, comparisons, 1400+ pictures, and a whole lot more you can spend months discovering all this site has to offer! The pictures which I used from the largest Monkees photo gallery on the web was the pic of Micky, Davy, and Peter as Monkee Men for a background to my Monkee Men HQ section and the photo of Peter reading a book for my "Gonna Buy Us A Dog?" fic.

The adorable "Support the Monkees" image w/ Peter sticking out his tongue, that can be found on the Welcome page, was created by Heather who belongs to a phantasmagoric site called, Emily & Heather's Monkees , INC.(which their site can be accessed by going here) and doesn't belong to me. To learn more about how you too can support the Monkees click here.

The picture of the guys I used for the "Funny Foto", the scared Monkees I used for my Friday the 13th fic ("Long Title: Do We Have To Do This All Over Again!?") pages, the guys w/ Micky reading "Life" on a couch (from the episode "Monkees Blow Their Minds") that I used for my fan-fic page, and the pic of the guys chillin' on the couch waiting for Oraculo (also from "Monkees Blow Their Minds") which I used as the backdrop for my fan-fic page all came from the same source. A groovy site, with 700+ pictures and much, much more!, the Unofficial Fan Site. (Which can be accessed here.)

This site is a total grove another of my favorites! Named after one of my favorite Peter Tork solo songs, "Milkshake"! There are a bunch of great and high-larious things to do and to see! Picture gallery, ask Peter, Torkaholics Anonymous (I'm a member!), and many groovy Peter quizes! I had gotten the "I'm a diagnosed Torkaholic and proud!" banner that I have on my About me page as well as the 2 nice pics of Petah with his fringe boots located in my Monkees Fashion Tips page from this groovy site! Be sure to check it out if you're a Torkaholic, or you think you might be, or even if you're not!

The unbelieveibly, cute, adorable, just wanna hug him and squeeze him Peter picture w/ puppies all around him (from the "I'm Gonna Buy Me a Dog" romp)which I ironically used for the background for my "Gonna Buy Us a Dog?" fic, as well as the pic of Peter from "Alias Micky Dolenz", Peter behind the drums, and Petah on the Motorcycle (which can be found on the Fashion Tips page!) all came from another one of my favorite far out! websites, which is, the Sunshine Factory! This site has oodles to do quizes, tests (no not the kind you get in school!), tons of different photos from episodes and specials, and a whole lot more! (You can check out the website here!)

Here is a groovy site done by my friend Ka and Steph! They did a fanatbulous job and they have many interesting things to check out! Like "Micky the Mad Hatter" Lol! So why don't you go and have a gander?

Hot off the presses! Be sure to check out Ka and Steph's latest installment! Monkees Monthly! An all on-line all Monkee Magazine! Deffinetly worth a read! It contains lots of great articles and even includes a monthly comic strip done by yours truly! Be sure to check it out! Farm out!

to my favorite and highly recommended Monkees sites on the web! At these sites are where I spend the most of my boring life! *Evil laughs* Mwahahahaha! (*slaps self on forehead* Man am I pathetic!)

*Psycho-Jello: A tripped out site with infinite things to do!
*Emily & Heather's Monkees, INC.: An other sock-it-to-me Monkees site with billions of things to do that it never gets boring!
*the Sunshine Factory: Bunches of groovy Monkees stuff to do!
*the Harmony Hut: A great message board that I have recently discovered and spend most of my time on-line! But please be forewarned this site is not for the kiddies! I just don't want to be in trouble for someone underage stumbling upon this site! Thanks!
*Rock 'N Roll Dreams: One of my good rock friends websites! Make sure ya check it out!
*Can You Dig It? : Another of my good Monkee friends website! Named after one of my fav Petah tunes! Yeah I can dig it! It's small but its expanding! Hey give her a break she just started building it! And I know how that is! Make sure you stop by and say, "Hi!"
* An awesome Monkees site!
*Paula C's Site: a must see for Monkee Fic Lovers! Has outasite Monkees Fan-fic! My inspiration to write Monkees Fics!
*BB's Monkees Art: awesome Monkees Fan-Art site!

Non- Monkee Site Links:

*Dr. Egon Spengler's Guide to the Real Ghostbusters: Is another of my own fan sites I made 4 years ago, not as impressive as Long Title though. . . But still worth a look see if you're into the Real Ghostbusters or Ghostbusters in general.
*ORGB: another of my sites for Ghostbusters this is Operation Real Ghostbusters: DVD my petition to get the cartoon onto DVD format ASAP!

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