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instrument rental, guitar rental, music

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UPDATED 3/1/06

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    Always wanted to play an instrument, but don't want to spend hundreds of dollars to buy one?
    Is your child expressing an interest in taking an instrument in school?
We can help.

    We will ship to you, anywhere in the US! Complete Electric Guitar/Bass Rental..Ibanez guitar, Amp, Case only $25.00 per month. Complete Drum Set Rental..Tama Five Piece, includes cymbals and throne..$40.00 per month!

    Child sized acoustic and electric guitars.

    Child Acoustic Guitar
    These Kids Guitars are made in 3/4 and 1/2 sizes. Excellent beginner guitar for kids

    Small Electric Guitar
    Johnson Mini Guitar available in 3/4 and 1/2 sizes. Great electric guitar for children.

    email us today

    Tell us what you're looking for! Immediate Response!

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