NNIdol  N Chic NN
Billy Idol 1990
 This  web site  is dedicated to  Billy Idol's,
Idol  Chic  ....and other styles throughout  the years  from   more recent  CyberPunk .......and back to early Punk Rocker
A Commentary by web author :
 How important is Fashion to the Artist's  Image   ?
Ruthi  ..July 97 It sometimes seems that too much importance is placed on  the  clothing  style of  artists.  Many  people like to emulate  their  favorite  stars , but  this only one element  of   the persona .
Much of  "the  look" comes from  within and the personality .
And though it is said  "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery "  sometimes it just looks out of place .

Always    be  yourself   " an original "  and have fun .
Idol On  ,

  animated welcome

Hello .. thank you for visiting my web site . As I am into Fashion Design / Dressmaking (Oktobriana Kouture ) drawing / art   ( enjoy Boris Vallejo's  Fantasy art Olivia's pin up style and Fashion Art ) . Photography and of course  more recently computers  / internet  . And since I am also a  die hard  " Idoler " for 15 years . I thought  it would be  great  idea to shed some light on Billy Idol's  look / style throughout  the years and will categorize each style by the albums released and the respective years  ...

MikeAlso I  have  contributions from my cyber -Idol friend Mike . He has contributed many articles for IDOL CHIC .
Mike  was an excellent and cute  " Billy "  in Idol Tribute Band called " The  Idols " . Also  he is the owner of an impressive  collection of  Idol Collectibles ; for  which I will shortly add a link to showcase some of the ' Idol Mementos'.  .Also he has  contributed very rare Idol pixs for this web site  .

* Please note *

Many links below  are still under construction and will be added  a.s.a.p. IDOL CHIC uses many large graphics so downloading may be longer .
Thanks  for your patience. Also this web site has been re formatted to be best viewed in 800 X 600 resolution .

Recent Updates:   

Contest #1  results posted  . Contest #2  on line shortly . To win Original  1979 UK pressing of  King Rocker  / Gimme some Truth  .

 History of Generation X  and  History of Billy Idol Part 1 and Part 2 added


  Idol    Chic ...Contents
 Idol :  bIts ' N  byTes 
cyberpunk      N      1993
Charmed Life  N     1990
Whiplash  Smile  N1986
Rebel yell         N    1983
Billy Idol           N   1981
Generation X    N 1976

Billy's Octobriana
History of Generation X
History of Billy Idol 
Idol   guitars
idol  mementos
vinlyl   Idol
Idol Contest 
idol Contest results 
Idol  in  chains  
IDOL   Poll

  Vote  for   Your Favourite IDOL LOOK ??   View Results 



                              please sign  N Idol  Chic N guest book

Click to sign my Guest Book .....Thanks
Sign Idol Chic Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View Idol Chic  Guestbook

 Read  old Idol Chic  Guest  Book !     dreambook 
   e Mail  Mike or Ruth
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                                                                              EST. Nov.4/97
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