Martini Mink - 05/03/98 19:50:03
Your Favourite Fur: Mink
How did you find this place?: MMgf brought me.
Will you return?: Yes indeed.
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: You have excellent taste. The choice is yours.

Congratulations. Ms. B and Mr. B, both of you have done an excellent job developing this site. MMgf and I have spent most of this mid morning viewing the site. We were facinated and took care not to miss a single page. Your love of fur is very evident. This is indicated to us by the backgrounds of fur which you have developed. The amount of work involved must have been massive. Thank you. Your love for each other is also evident. We see this in the pictures where both of you have made comments. Please accept the best wishes from both MMgf and myself. Rest assured we will be back as you keep updating the site. Martini Mink (MMgf) MM echo's my thoughts also. Ms. B I do love your humor, very subtle.

Mr.B.: Thank you Martini Mink, for your kind words. Was doubtful about how a guestbook would be received as it is a first for any Fur site, other than the occassional company. To tell the truth the backgrounds aren't as hard as they may at first appear... just a tad infuriating when the program doesn't do as requested... AH well, furs ain't furs.

Ms.B.: I was more than a little concerned about using my humour in these pages and that it may possibly degrade the class we wanted to show... I am glad that it is being received well and have decided to continue in the same vein... our personal observations have been well toned down compared to some of the thoughts I am sure you have had yourselves. Thank you for your kind words... they are appreciated.

Foxy Emma - 05/03/98 08:24:24
Your Favourite Fur: Blue and Silver Fox
How did you find this place?: Mikhalik's
Will you return?: Yes!
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: How about some of these wonderful 70's coats and jackets with huge fluffy lamb fur collars and cuffs that everyone has been wearing this winter? They are just SOOO gorgeous and prove that girls love the soft, warm, sensuous feeling of ur but maybe wouldn't wear a more "in yer face" fur like fox.


Mr.B.:That is the nice thing about fur. It takes in a wide range of colors and types, but the constants are the look and feel. If we were to cater for all tastes.. we would have to start our own server.... and at the moment, that is not even under consideration.

Ms. B.: I am afraid that I am much more partial to the full fur coats and prefur to show those rather than just a collar and a cuff... sorry *smile* a definite difference in tastes and opinions... but then again... you could always begin a page yourself... we would promise to visit to see if you can change my mind...
MMgf - 04/30/98 13:01:53
Your Favourite Fur: Mink, Fox,
How did you find this place?: linking around
Will you return?: Yes, and MM is coming along.
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Sable, Chinchilla, Beaver

A great tour.

Ms.B.: I am very pleased that you enjoyed it *smile*
Clivey - 04/27/98 18:50:42
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: crystal/silver white fox & lynx
How did you find this place?: browsing the net
Will you return?: Definate YES
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Coyote/wolf & Sable

More like this site - Possible start up a list of films/tv shows where furs has been worn, furlovers could give details of which film/tv show for example The Bitch - Joan Collins wore fox,wolf & Lynx Another example Casino - actress wore Chinchilla,fox and a white fox shawl, s you could start your very own fur collection on video (which i have started, but would dearly love to add) from furfanatic Clivey

Mr.B.: Clive... would that we could.

Ms.B.: There are so many branches we could take Clive. As this page develops one never knows what you will see next... please keep tuned *smile*
rmorin - 04/25/98 17:56:06
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: red fox
How did you find this place?: Mikhial
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: any

Looks good to me !

Mr.B.: Looks good, but to be wearing some of these furs... MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Feel even better*grin*

Ms.B.: Furever looking for that red fox that takes my breath away... perhaps you have pics??
paolo - 04/21/98 18:15:13
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox,sable, lynx
How did you find this place?: ntc web
Will you return?: yes sure

very high class! It gives a good warm and sensual feeling at a Dutch furfan. Pitty that the pics cannot be copy to file. Stay on the line please.

Mr.B.: I believe if you right click your mouse on the required pic, you will find that it can be saved, just by reading the instructions as per the drop menu. This I know applies to netscape 3 and 4. IE.. I have no idea.

Ms.B.: I am very pleased you feel all the things that we have intended to convey... thank you.
valerie - 04/20/98 22:36:22
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: white fox
How did you find this place?: lucky! ntcweb
Will you return?: as often as possible
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: rabbit, any quilt linings

Thank you for the pleasure! What can I do to reciprocate?

Mr.B.: Just remember where we are and tell your friends*grin*

Ms.B.: A person with taste... white fox is also my favorite... a double sided white fox stole... heaven and incredibly sexy...

tm - 04/13/98 22:12:10
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Real!
How did you find this place?: A fur lover can't miss it!
Will you return?: Yes!
Should other furs be considered?: Yes, all real fur is sensous and sexy on a pretty woman. You should not exclude pics of other furs if they are as beautiful as the ones you've posted here!
Which ones?: Mink, beaver, marten, raccoon, etc.

I think your pictures here are great! They are right up my alley--beautiful women in beautiful furs! I tend to avoid the overtly sexual pictures bandied about the web. Women are tremendously alluring in real fur; nudity is not needed in fur pics. Your pics have class, style and sensual attitude. Good job!

Mr.B.: tm, sometimes a hint of nudity is more enticing. However the great problem with nudity and fur is that for the photographers the job is to get the nude, not the fur. If a photographer took a picture of a naked woman enjoying the feel of the fur, I, and Ms. B., would be only to happy to give it pride of place in our pages.

Ms.B.: Sensuality is but a state of mind everyone had different taste.. however I agree this time with Mr.B. sometimes a hint is very sensual... 'tis what the mind perceives and not necessarily what the eye sees...


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