Blue fox jacket and hood... Of course, I would have the hoodlined with blue fox as well. Can never get too much fur. -Mr.B.

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHhhhhh... the good old days, when furs were in Harrod's and each Sept/Oct Grosvenor's would have three, four or five pages in the front of Harpers. *sigh*
This pic I am fortunate enough to have the original ad. It takes place of honour in my collection. -Mr.B.

Blue fox jacket.. a classic style and look.
Now if only it came in my size. -Mr.B. ..

Blue fox trimmed with white fox.
Again, the hood would be lined with blue fox. My one complaint about this pic is that the jacket has been thinned or "feathered" i.e. for each strip of fur, a strip of leather is added.
I know not who said it, but I concur... "If I wanted leather, would buy a leather coat." -Mr.B.

White Fox... MMMMMMMMMMM -Mr.B.
Every furlover should be so lucky as to look this well furred... such class... such incredible sex appeal... -Ms.B.

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