The aim of this page is to show images gathered from various films and videos, as some of them, although not the greatests of scans/saves, thoroughly deserve to be shown to the greater public... and we also love the furs involved.

The following four pics are taken from a French movie, and were shown at franks in early april. I have just cropped them for this page.

Now of course, we all have favourite furs, but when I saw the fox coat on the brunette (top right)... welll I just had to have it. Ms B felt the same way. In fact, Ms B and I have decided that we both want a coat not unlike it. So, if any furriers out there.......*grin*

I believe that these two pics come from the film of the Harold Robbin's novel, "The Carpetbaggers". But I am not prepared to bet my life on it. -Mr B

I am prepared to state that the fur involved is white fox. As to whether it is a stole, a cape or a jacket... well I like to think that it is a stole... a very luscious stole. -Mr B

And just to prove that I can't get it right all the time, I present another shot from the same film which reveals more than I had hoped*sigh*.. Oh well...

A famous fur scene from the "Pink Panther" series of movies.. featuring Inspector Clouseau and MMMMMM a coyote coat.... Oh and Lesley Ann Downe(?)-Mr B.

MMMMMmmmmmmmm Jamie Lee Curtis..... white fox.... Knew she had it in her... besides an ability to scream*grin* -Mr B.

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