This coat reminds me of the Blue fox I now own, except that the feathering is also used in the sleeves. Had the budget permitted, the body of my coat woud have been like the sleeves of this coat. Oh well, plenty of time to fix that. -Mr.B.

The fun of a fur collection is having each one unique Darling... each with it's own attraction. I am sure we shall have a lot of fun with this one... -Ms.B.

Could this be Ms. Barguzin waiting for me at a certain cove?? Time will tell. -Mr.B.

For you, I am waiting there in my fantasies... -Ms.B.

Or would I prefur to own this coat?? Or have Ms. Barguzin awaiting me like this?? I have a feeling either would be to my advantage. -Mr.B.

I am very sure that you will be willing to take advantage of me... more than just a little *SEG* - Ms.B.

MMMMMMMMMmmmmm a thick Crystal fox, or dyed Silver fox. One coat where the absence of a collar would be more than compensated for by the feel of the fur. -Mr.B.

OOOhhhh... please don't take my collars from me... I do so adore the feel of them against my face. *sigh* -Ms.B.

Another Crystal fox coat.... and since milk is on offer, is it fur my strength or hers? Love the collar.... and the colorings of this coat. -Mr.B.

You will need all the strength you can get by the time I get to you. *SEG* - Ms.B.

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