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Jamie Bothamley - 11/15/00 09:55:22
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: very thick fox any colour
How did you find this place?: Friend

Nice page good layout

Aaron Lishman - 11/02/00 00:38:35
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: baever
How did you find this place?: fur ring
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: beaver and muskrat (knits too!)

You have some very interesting pictures! Keep up the good work.

faye - 09/26/00 05:40:35
Your Favourite Fur: silver fox
How did you find this place?: found fur ring
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: 1940's style furs

I have worn women's fur most of my life. I started dressing in female clothes at a early age. the main reason I became a transvestite was to wear women's furs. I love joan crawford style of furs. the special coats were coats with large sleeves. my favroite furrier was fromm furs.

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