Vavdrummer - 04/13/00 13:06:57
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: White fox
How did you find this place?: Very nice
Will you return?: Yes, of course
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Silver fox

Hi, I'm French and fur fetish. I'd like to tell you that your site is very nice and complete. Could you add more x pics? Have you any x pics about men masturbating with fur or videos? Thanxxx for your answer. Hope to hear from you soon. [email protected]

Unfortunately, X-rated pics are banned from Geocities pages. but check out other YAhoo pages as ya might be well rewarded. - Mr. B.

Lily - 04/05/00 19:10:41
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Fox , any and all varieties
How did you find this place?: From one of the many fur sites my lover has listed
Will you return?: But, of course!
Should other furs be considered?: Yes, but, please no faux furs.

Darlings, Thank you so much for such a marvelous site. You have exquisite taste. Furs, especially lush fox, holds an appeal for me only other fur lovers can begin to understand. It adds a new level to sensuality. You also have a beautiful country. I have been there several times. Regrettably they were long ago (the Opera House wasn''t finished). The only "ugly" thing I ever saw in Australia was Canberra, an incredibly sterile city. Your furs do make up for so much. Thank you, again, for your work with this site. Hug Fox Huggs, Lily

WEG The Opera House is now finished... sorta. Canberra has improved.. at least if ya wanna wear ya furs.. hmm then again, maybe not. After all, Political Correctness must hold some sway. Hope you watched the Olympic Games and were able to revive your memories, and maybe get the urge to come down under again. MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm a full bodied fox coat.. sorta makes an aussie wish that it was still winter. - Mr. B.

furgem - 04/04/00 04:01:40
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: silver fox lined with alaska seal
How did you find this place?: exploring
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: any that are soft when on the inside against the skin

have been nuts about furs since age 3 or 4. Am now 71. Love to dream up ways of being totaly enclosed in fur, with extra kinks like being frozen in ice, or submerged deep in water to squeeze it against you.

You can keep the ice I'll take the furs. - Mr. B.

ALADINO DEGRAY - 03/21/00 16:23:50
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: SILVER FOX
Will you return?: YES
Should other furs be considered?: YES
Which ones?: LINX


Sorry, Aladino, but my knowledge of Italian is worse than my knowledge of Latin. But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. - Mr. B.

Albert - 03/19/00 04:26:38
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Chinchilla, chinchilla, and chinchilla!!!
How did you find this place?: Fur Twins Yahoo Club Links
Will you return?: Most likely
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Chinchilla of course. If you haven't felt it then you're missing out.

I really liked your page but through all my searching I saw no chinchilla... You can get familiar with this fur by visiting my web page but nothing can be better than actually feeling it yourself.

I have actually worn a couple of chinchilla coats, but they were not of great quality. Maybe when I make it to the States I'll get to wear a decent one and have another fur to add to my favorites. Til then, shall just have to suffer the lesser fur of fox. Ah well, we all have to make some sacrifices. - Mr.B.

- 03/12/00 07:22:46
Your Favourite Fur: Fur bad-spread


Yeppers, a FOX bedspread would be nice.... um two fox bedspreads... any advance?? *grin* - Mr. B.

Sabine Neumer - 03/09/00 09:54:44
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: redfox gold sable
How did you find this place?: altavista
Will you return?: yes


Now that is a nice mix of fav furs. Hmm a red fox coat lined with Golden Sable?? *shiver* - Mr. B.

tony - 03/03/00 21:41:06
Your Favourite Fur: swakara
How did you find this place?: by net
Will you return?: yes


Tony, hope that these foxes, sables and lynxes didn't detract from your love of swakara. - Mr. B.

nikalada - 02/26/00 21:52:47
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: mink
How did you find this place?: internet
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: sable

do you buy used furs,do you sell used furs? if so would you let me know, thank you

Nope. We just sit back and drool over these pics and dream of the day we can share some similar ones. - Mr. B.

Brian - 02/13/00 08:35:04
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Sable
How did you find this place?: Fur webring
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: all

I love your pictures, especially the ones from ads, such as Grosvenor's. I love to see a woman in a fur also wearing tight black leather gloves and/or leather pants.

Ah yes, those lovely Grosvenor pics. Fortunately, the Fur Twins have a selection of those on their site. Hmmm adding leather to fur... why not, after all one is just a shorn fur coat. - Mr. B.

John - 01/31/00 12:13:49
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: silver fox
How did you find this place?: surfing for fur
Will you return?: sure
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: complete fox pelts

I like this site very much. It is always a joy to look for the pictures and to read the comments. I love fox fur espially complete pelts with head, tail and claws. It would be great if you have pics of these.

Well, Ms. B. likes full bodied fox coats, but not full pelts. Me?? a full pelted fox coat would be the answer, but no heads or claws.... they can hurt certain areas of me anatomy. *grin* - Mr.B.


Yes Paul, your little message has been deleted. Maybe you should pop over to the Fur Den and read there about why it is that females are not all that appreciative of the manners some males are gifted with when it comes to talking politely.-Mr.B /P>
Sandy Barguzin - 01/23/00 03:13:57

If your god is like you then I want no part of him for my God says "Judge not lest YE be judged" Do not quote your twisted words at this site for we do not want to hear them. We, each and everyone of us has heard your words twisted in every way that you can possibly quote them. You are not even original enough to speak for yourself you must quote some self proclaimed literary genius. We are not impressed. When the lion lies down with the lambs so be the end of our love for furs but for now our GOD made this world the way that it is. He made the rule of "survival of the fittest". He allowed mankind to clothe itsself in what ever manner they managed. Do not quote to me and sully my works at my site. If and when you you have the guts to make your own s te then post the address here and we will give you more courtesy than you have given us. We will read it and not judge you nor will we spam your guestbook. For we do read our bibles. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You are a hypoc it. Now, leave us be. Sandy Barguzin

- 01/21/00 00:55:00

Anonymous posters will be deleted, esp if they are unable to put together two thoughts within their own disorientated brains.- Mr.B.

walt - 01/20/00 21:14:29
Your Favourite Fur: sheared beaver
How did you find this place?: sheer luck
Will you return?: you betcha!
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: long and short haired

I've gotta ask - whatever happened to marmot! Proof positive that I'm older than most.

LMAO. Um Walt, would ya believe that here in aussie land some furriers actually tried to pass off marmot as mink, and Ladies actually bought them?? Now they know all about marmot. - Mr. B.


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