RonG - 06/15/98 13:36:59
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Red/Crystal Fox, Mahog mink, Russian Lynx, Raccoon for me.
How did you find this place?: Fashion circle
Will you return?: Oh for sure!
Should other furs be considered?: Yes but you've picked the best
Which ones?: I do like long haired beaver, raccoon also

Your pages are fun. I would always welcome "vistor's" personal pictures (of quality) if they fit your format.

Well, RonG, am glad that you appreciate these pages. As for the "personal" pics... that will be considered in the future.-Mr.B.

It shall be interesting to see who has the nerve to come out of fur storage... Any volunteers ladies and gentlemen??? Perhaps I shall have a special furry mask made and make an appearance myself... -Ms.B.

Gray - 06/14/98 20:41:04
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Blue Fox
How did you find this place?: ntcweb
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: Mouton or Beaver Lamb

Thanks for a brilliant site so many great furs. It has been great having a look around, please keep up the good work .

Am glad you like these pages. And may your return visits be as enjoyable, if not moreso.-Mr.B.

Merci, mon amie... -Ms.B.

rob - 06/14/98 06:09:40
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: any
How did you find this place?: franks page
Will you return?: you bet

I think your page is very classy. I really like your new real women page. If you ever get any video of women in fur, I would like to trade with you as I have a large collection. Thanks for a great page. Keep up the hard work. Rob in England.

Rob, I hope you enjoy Ms.B.'s wardrobe.. I know I do*grin*.- Mr.B.

Hmmm... I wonder just how much you will all enjoy them... WEG... Ms.B.

Spydder - 06/14/98 03:00:42
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Anything fox
How did you find this place?: I don't remember
Will you return?: I've been here many times before and u better believe I'm coming back.
Should other furs be considered?: Of course
Which ones?: Anyone that pleasures the senses.

well of course I have to tell what a great site this is. I especially love your Real Ladies and Mrs.'s Barguzins Boudoir. I was also wondering when the Dream Warbrobe would open. Thanx for letting me say my bit.

Spydder, We both hope that you enjoy Ms.B.'s wardrobe as well.-Mr.B.

Fantasies are what spurs the ambitions... I am sure that we shall strive to fullfil this fantasy wardrobe... -Ms.B.

furxtc - 06/07/98 15:58:26
Your Favourite Fur: fox, sable, lynx
How did you find this place?: thefurring's homepage
Will you return?: ABSOLUTELY!
Should other furs be considered?: I love these;no minks pls

Ms B. The Sable and Lynx, especially the lady on the right picture for Lynx...WoW! what a coat. I also found very tantalizing the white and black stole pictures...Martha Hyer's White stole from the Carpetbaggers has been one of my all time favorites. t conjuours up endless fantasies. And the lady drapped in but a black fox stole on her bed is most inviting. Your new section on real ladies is also so very welcomed. The pictures and the women wearing their furs are great! Please add more of any of the types of furs and ladies you have portrayed here. A very, very clasy site. One of my few and most favorite sites...CONGRATULATIONS...As a beautiful and sensual woman once remarked "Sable Dreams....." 8^)....

Furxtc.. further research has turned up another pic of ms Hyers in that stole... and am now thinking that it may be a jacket... but either way, if it found it's way to my wardrobe or Ms.B.'s, would be one Happy Chappy *grin* -Mr.B.

AAAhhhh... but mon chere, as you well know Furxtc, stoles are my personal favorites... however I am so disappointed that you don't appreciate the finer qualities of a mink as well... all furs have special qualities. My mink and I have so many fond memories... oh well... c'est la vie... shall see you in chat *smile* -Ms.B.

fynf - 06/02/98 00:09:28
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox, lynx, parkas with hoods
How did you find this place?: NTC's Forum
Will you return?: DEFINITELY
Should other furs be considered?: parkas with huge hoods
Which ones?: similar to 1940's north-country movies like "Northern Pursuit" (Julie Bishop?), showing the heroine dressed like that

Thank you very much for tastefully presenting the sensuality of a woman in fur! I love seeing a relatively "mature" woman totally wrapped in fox or other long-haired fur. I despise pictures of airheaded, petulant children with a minimum of fur sticking their sorry excuse for sex into my face every time I wish to view a woman in a huge fur coat. I love your new "Real Ladies" section!!!!!!!!!

Ah yes, there is something about the thought of having one's head completely covered in fur..and yes, if there are suitable pics of coats/jackets/strollers with hoods, they will be added*grin* As for the pics, and younger ladies.... well, some are okay.. but yes, a fur shot should not necesarily include beaver.-Mr.B.

ooooooooooo... hoods... shiver... -Ms.B.

The_Fur_Babe - 05/30/98 14:27:57
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: All furs.
How did you find this place?: Through the links at other sites.
Will you return?: Ohhhhh. yes.
Should other furs be considered?: Yes.
Which ones?: Those which are beyond my means. Sable, lynx and chinchilla

I loved the entire site. Mr. B. love your patterns, please keep adding to them. I already have 6 of them downloaded for my desktop. I start out eaach session by choosing the "Fur of the Day" Ms. B I love the femmine touch which you bring to this site. Although I've only been on the internet a short time, I noticed a lack of female particpation. Please keep it up. My best to both of you.

Well, Fur Babe, am glad that the backgrounds are apreciated. More will be forthcoming in time, when the right furs are collected. -Mr.B.

I am so glad you like the backgrounds... I think a bedspread of any one of these would be to die for... *sigh* Thanks for your kind words! -Ms.B.

Pelton - 05/26/98 10:56:04
Your Favourite Fur: all, even coney/rabbit
How did you find this place?: Fur ring..very welcome
Will you return?: oh yes oh yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes..but not coarse or curly
Which ones?: otter..very like mink

I concur with the previous comments. Wife understands, but no longer wishes to participate. Envious of couples who can share this delightful compulsion.

It is nice to have something in common with one's partner.. and a compulsion??? well... I don't think so... just a shared love of experiences or a love of sharing experiences. -Mr.B.

Who would ever have dreamed there were other people in the world like me *sigh* It's wonderful!!!! -Ms.B.

furet - 05/25/98 00:46:10
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: lynx and fox, I can't afford sable
How did you find this place?: mikhail's site, I think
Will you return?: I check it every time I sign on.
Should other furs be considered?: all furs should be considered
Which ones?: lynx, chinchilla, etc

Outstanding site. I love the fact that both of you are fur fanatics. My wife understands my fetish, but does not support it in any way. It is good to know there are couples out there who love fur together. Keep up the great work, it is appreciated by s all.

I truly feel for you... *sigh* just another reminder of how we live in such an imperfect world... Thank God for fantasies... -MsB.

Marla - 05/24/98 14:46:49
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: White Fox...Coyote
How did you find this place?: links from FurChat
Will you return?: most definitely!
Should other furs be considered?: possibly
Which ones?: I didn't see any mink or chinchilla..And maybe a few more lynx???

A Fur Lover's Delight! My nights may never be the same!

Unfortunately we must use the pics that are available and it seems that I haven't found that the minks inspire me lately.. but you may be seeing more soon... And I do mean that as in fur... WEG -Ms.B.

RPM - 05/22/98 19:21:12
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: usually the last fur I saw on a lady....
How did you find this place?: probably from MK's soft spot
Will you return?: always
Should other furs be considered?: definitely
Which ones?: if they're soft-show 'em

Good show! I am pleased to see that one of my posts from NTC's public area has showed up here. If you'd like the original magazine ad to perform a better quality scan, it's yours. I love the teasing man and woman comments you two make. It worked for Moonl ghting and in my opinion it works better here!!!

Teasing man and woman comments?? oh goodness they are rather easy to make as I am a female and he is very much a male... *SEG* what else could we possibly do?? MsB



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