Cindy - 09/08/98 12:00:15
My Email:[email protected]
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Well, Cindy, I did visit your site. And also tried the Lynxxx search machine. Amazingly there were no other links to furs or fur fetish. And am still deciding what to do with your link. But WE are not about promoting Porn for porn's sake. -Mr.B

Kathy Estherman - 09/08/98 12:00:14
My URL: Now a pay site.....
My Email:[email protected]
comment: I like this...... Visit mine thanks

I did visit your site Kathy and was most impressed. Nice to see a site for heterosexual girls. Now, if you could get some men to pose in furs, weeeeeeeeeelll*grin* you might tap a new market. -Mr.B

Scotty - 09/05/98 19:31:44
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: not picky, but prefurrably fox
How did you find this place?: a friend gave me the link
Will you return?: absolutely
Should other furs be considered?: no, i think you've covered the best kind :o)

Great sight!! I spent hours here. Mr B is a lucky man, my girlfriend doesn't share my fettish :(

Sorry to hear that Scotty, but then again, ladies like Ms.B. are indeed rare and truly precious. -Mr.B.

*Blush* -Ms.B.

- 09/02/98 19:11:36
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: crystal fox
How did you find this place?: chat room in world of fur
Will you return?: O Yes!!!
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Heavy/Thick Furs

My husband doesn't know I'm using his laptop to view sites like this. It's the first I've found and it is very exciting. Wondering now if I should tell him, as the pictures from MsB's Boudoir have given me ideas!!!!!

Well, if Ms.B's Boudoir spices up your life... imagine what it does to mine SEG. -Mr.B.

*giggle* It works real well for his!! -Ms.B.

Marla - 09/01/98 17:45:51
Your Favourite Fur: White Fox and Mink
Will you return?: I do....every night before I go to bed..
Should other furs be considered?: you have done a fine job thus far with the variety of furs pictured here....

Gorgeous pictures and I love reading your comments back to your wonderfully personal! A 5 star site if ever there was one. PS:..The stories are ...WOW!.....

Marla.. am glad you enjoy the site and our comments. As fur the rating.. I am not going to argue *grin*
And yes, the stories are truly WOW.. Ladies have a habit of surprising me, and these stories are hopefully just the beginning. -Mr.B.

We are working on more... you had better stay tuned *smile* -Ms.B.

furxtc - 08/23/98 23:23:34
Your Favourite Fur: All furs
How did you find this place?: previous fan
Will you return?: certainly
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: any fur you believe fits

I love your latest updates to you pages..Again, very tasteful and well thought out. Keep up the fantastic work. Sorry I have not chatted with either of you of late.. hope to do so often in the near future...take care...fur dreams and pleasures..

My dear furxtc, I am sure you are my biggest fan. *smile* Mr. B. has decided that I will personally answer all of your posts as he has no idea how I have worked magic over you *wink* but you can keep it up 'cause honey you are damned good for my ego! WEG -Ms.B.

chomik - 08/23/98 00:12:08
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: arctic fox
How did you find this place?: ntcweb
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: not for me


Thanks Chomik. Now, if you can get your hands on some arctic blue fox or pics thereof.... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM. -Mr.B.

Mr.C - 08/19/98 17:05:11
Your Favourite Fur: Chinchilla
How did you find this place?: Mikhail's the firt time
Will you return?: I have more times than I can count already, and I certainly see no reason to stop.
Should other furs be considered?: Of course, why not?
Which ones?: Anything BUT mongolian lamb (looks to me like a bad hair day with sleeves). I trust your taste.

Please forgive me for not leaving an e-mail address, but I make half my living as a teacher, and I have already been the target of one Animal Rights witch hunt. (My other job is writing, and they tried to get my publisher to drop me.) It's funny hoe thy d mand animal rights but trash people's. On to more pleasent subjects. As I once said to a friend as we admired a very beautiful lady in a mink jacket, classy is definately sexy. Your wonderful site epitomizes that idea. I particularly love the stories -- by far the best fur stories on the net. hey have a wonderful aspect of seduction -- there is subtlety and timing -- all of which makes them excrutiatingly exciting. Both your comments are also wonderful. They remind me of the repartee between my wife and myself. Upon seeing the site my wife agr ed as well. One final thank you -- my wife and I enjoy sexual play with fur often. We've gotten some great new ideas(very wicked grin). Take care and stay warm.

Thank you Mr C for taking the time to leave your message. And should anyone be wondering, NO.. Mr C is not another name for yours truly *grin* As for the mongolian lamb, well, I have been conned a couple of times by pics that looked in thumbnail like fox, only to be disappointed on getting to the full size one. I will continue to attempt to provide fox, sable and lynx (and the odd mink) pics without any ring-ins or "faux"... hopefully. -Mr.B.

paul - 08/14/98 11:49:23
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: email
Which ones?: mink


For mink, Paul, I recommend the following site. Enjoy.
and I must admit I do like the name of that page... Appeals to the latin scholar in me *grin* -Mr.B.

- 08/12/98 14:36:52
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Every Single One!
How did you find this place?: Completeley By Accident....
Will you return?: ...Stupid question...OF COURSE!
Should other furs be considered?: Any
Which ones?: All

Wow...What a fantastic site. I'd forgotten how beautiful Women looked in Furs. This site has certainly rekindled my passion! Now all I need to do is to find a beautiful lady who likes them as much as I do.....

Ah yes.. the power of a beautiful woman in a glamorous fur. Leopold von Sacher-Masoch at least got that part right in "Venus in Furs". But to this humble person's way of thinking, the whips and slavery are not necessary. -Mr.B.

Fur w - 08/12/98 13:24:17
Your Favourite Fur: mink ,sable and fox
How did you find this place?: linx
Will you return?: Yes !
Should other furs be considered?: all fur is nice

Nice page beatiful furs it's so exciting

No argument from this boy. Short sweet and to the point. -Mr.B.

Velvet Tigress - 08/10/98 19:21:16
My Email:Velvet_Tigress
Your Favourite Fur: fox
How did you find this place?: from the Fur Forum
Will you return?: A resounding YES!
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: Chinchilla does sound nice...

I found this page while looking for something to keep my boyfriend occupied while I go on a trip. I found a bunch of pages that I saved to his favorite pages. I think that he will get a kick out of seeing so many beautiful women dressed in furs, as he h s always had a thing for a woman in a fur coat. I am not certain, but I think he may spend more time here than the other choices that I saved for him! Keep up the good work, and I will continue to visit, and thank you for having such a wonderful page. ow I have to get my hands on a nice coat, and I will really make his jaw (and his pants, no doubt!) drop! *laughs* Velvet Tigress

Well, Velvet, when I started this page, I never envisaged it being used for Boyfriend minding *grin* But I trust that it has worked to your benefit. And as for the nice coat.. well, if it does materialise, send us a pic thereof for our Real Ladies section *grin*. -Mr.B.

Rod - 08/10/98 13:34:29
Your Favourite Fur: White Fox
How did you find this place?: I'm not sure..clicked?
Will you return?: Yes

Thank God for the Web! I never thought anyone else enjoyed woman and furs the way We do. I've got to see the movie "Sex on the Beach" you mentioned. Great photos!

Sorry to disappoint you, Rob, but "sex on the beach" is not a movie...(at least to my knowledge). The pics there are from a series that were done for Sprung Freres, a Paris furrier, in the 1970's, if my memory serves me correctly. However, if such a movie does exist.. Ms.B. and I would also like a copy *grin* ummm or maybe the lead roles??? WEG -Mr.B.

Furdreamer - 08/10/98 08:16:57
My Email:[email protected]

If you like to have pictures. Please send your E-mail adress Furdreamer

In answer to both posts, Furdreamer, thank you for your kind words and offer. At the moment, we are buried in pics (*sigh* would that they were the furs instead).. but you never know what will happen in future. -Mr.B.

Furdreamer - 08/10/98 08:10:01
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: sable
How did you find this place?: searching&dreaming fur
Will you return?: sure
Should other furs be considered?: I'm curious
Which ones?: chinchilla, white fur

See, you like my furdreams as I like yours. Others will follow

- 08/08/98 16:56:44

where is the up dates?????????

Hopefully coming on a more regular basis now *grin* -Mr.B.

Irrving - 08/08/98 12:54:54
My Email:[email protected]

Where the heck is Real Ladies page 5??? It's not available....

Apologies Irrving.. but sometimes one can hit the wrong case/key when updating pages. All care is taken, but occassionally one will slip through. Any errors brought to our attention are fixed ASABP. -Mr.B.

Dolly - 08/07/98 11:31:21
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Chinchilla
How did you find this place?: Mikhail's / NTC
Will you return?: Of course !
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: More Chinchilla it's too soft to miss

A fantastic site, a pity about the lack of Chinchilla. Not that it really matters beause any fur will do. Keep up the good work to keep this fella happy. TVM Dolly

Dolly.. I agree about chinchilla being soft, but fur this bloke tis the density and fullness of the fur that counts. however, this doesn't mean to say that a chinchilla won't wangle it's way onto a page at some time.. So, keep on checking new additions.... ya never know what you might see *grin* -Mr.B.



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