As can be seen from the majority pics that appear at Frank's, here and other sites, the images of fur being worn or adorned by women are what most "fur fetishists" want to see. There are always arguments going to arise as to what determines the perfect fur fetish image. (Personally, the perfect fur fetish image is unattainable because there is always something else that comes to mind or into view which moves the goalposts that bit further.)

ANYWAYS... the following pages will be feature fur (naturally) not being worn by models, but hanging from hangers, mannequins or spread out over chairs, floors.. whatever. These are furs which I would like to have in my wardrobe ... to wear.. fondle.. caress.. enjoy, either by myself or with Ms. B.'s company.

In fact, Ms. B. might even go so far as to say that had I the money, they would be in my wardrobe now.... and she is not wrong*grin*.

In the future, it may come to pass that the pics now on show will vanish and be replaced by newer ones closer to what I seek in furs for my wardrobe.. and certain events being realised may result in the actual furs I own featuring here.
(that moan you just heard was Ms. B. ... her way of saying "Dream on, Sir... Dream On!")

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